So you say you don't like the MPC Ren/Studio software???
I'm still thinking about getting the MPC Renaissance 1 day. (Using FL Studio now)
Props bruh
I mean its not THAT bad, its probably just my frustrations of getting that learning curve up ... its real different for someone like me thats only ever used FL Studio before, you'll find that there is a lot of limitations on things you can pull off in comparison to FL studio where you could do it within a few clicks (such as EQing drums, I had to wait until i exported it to FL studio before I could EQ them properly). Layering samples are abit confusing at first as well, what with the tracks/sequence/pads system. Id say it stepped by drum and mix game up though, where you have to track out each individual drum sound and send them to FL Studio, it allows for you to tweak it alot more (and if youve already tweaked it in the MPC software you can really make it crisp for the mix). Oh and chopping samples, made much much easier on the MPC, but the controls are very tricky and it will take a good few weeks to just get the basics.
Im used to seeing my songs and bars mapped out infront of me and to learn the sequences and how tracks are seperated took me a while. All in all, its a decent investment, itll just take time to find out what your perfect workflow is. Right now ive got FL studio up and MPC attached as a plugin, so i do my samples and drums on MPC and as thats playing, ill play keys/bass along with it in FL