Bro I'm feeling where you were going with this, but i think it needs more atmosphere during moments when it's not hitting hard. Your 808 and kicks are fire, but I think you need to work on your melody. It's not... Memorable? I suggest grabbing a copy of the ableton book called "making music" or something like that. $10 but so worth it. I'm not saying I could do much better, but the book makes you realize things you may know, but when written with DAW and 2015 music discussed. It's not just for ableton, it was just put out by ableton.
One thing that the book talks about, among a ton of other things I haven't found on the Internet or written as well, is that you need some symmetry in your melody. Like an ABAB or AAAB or something. Yours was ABCD and they were much different. Felt abstract and hard to bob my head with the first listen. Just something I heard I dunno