strongly disagree with this, unless Widow is picking off healers and DPS and most your team is alive to make that push, KD ratio does not matter.
a junk going 3-7 but helping put out significant damage in the process and with more objective time and playing the objective is more useful than a widow on attack 14-1 with no objective time, who gets a pick that doesn’t result in helping to secure to secure A or B or push the payload.
say your team has a widow, she gets a pick or two opening up to push the objective but your team also loses two players.. both teams lose a healer. but you’ve already broken some of their defense so push..
now it’s 4 v 4, they got mercy down as well as as dps, but amoira up with 2 tanks and a soldier.
your team has widowup, dva, zarya and lucio.
wouldnt you rather have a junk alive who will push the objective over that widow who is just sitting back getting a pick here and there, if lucky. but her character isn’t aggressive enough to push with alive team mates during a good opening to secure the point? junk is going to be much more useful even if he’s 3-7 but pops his ult and takes out 2 to help secure the point over the widow with zero objective but meaningless picks that don’t transfer into nothing
with that comp i just presented, your team comp with the widow will prob get wiped.