All Money In
Did his babymoms really get killed?
That shouldn't be hard to confirm right? The robberies were staged (I hope for their sake) but that scene where he finds out his baby moms got killed could have been real, since he was just chillin' in the crib when he found out.
I don't know, breh.
Like I said, most folks would hope that part was staged.
But like everybody else, can't really confirm the validity of that
particular scene. But as you can see his sister and his whole
team had those R.I.P Adrian t-shirts on.
"The filmmakers were advised by legal counsel not to disclose what parts of the film were staged and what was real (meaning some of it was real). The found footage style has fooled plenty of people though – there was a riot at the Atlanta Film Festival during its screening and the Atlanta PD contacted the filmmakers because of some break-ins shown in the film. The crew was stopped by police and searched several times during filming. They had to spend the night in jail once and resumed filming the next morning. Curtis really street bowls in the movie. When was the last time you saw authentic street bowling on film? Real people get really arrested on camera and one man even got stabbed – making every other indie film crew in the nation a giant bag of pussies."