Anyone else feel like Life Is Good is over-rated? I see people saying this is one of his best albums ever, but I feel like I'd rank a bunch of his other albums ahead of this. I feel like it's missing the more "street" sound (especially in the beats) that I'm used to hearing from him.
I also feel like HHID is somewhat underrated. Money Over Bullshyt, You Can't Kill me, Carry On Tradition, Where Are They Now, Hip Hop is Dead, and Blunt Ashes are all great songs imo. Unfortunately most of the other songs are fairly average at best (I can certainly see someone throwing another one into a greater category though), although they're not bad by any means. That album started off strong, then kind of fades out towads the middle-end.
I see where you're coming from but lig isn't overrated. It's around his 6th or 7th best album. But he has the goat discography. We can't penalizes him for having the most classics in history. His middle of the pack albums is better than most artists best albums. It seems as if he gets penalized for having too many classics. People want to put a limit on how many classics an artist have and downplay subsequent albums that are worthy of that status because they already reached that quota. But this is NaS we're talking about