Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth 🇭🇹
Check 1 2 1 2, who got more style than NaS do?
That, Cherry Wine, Stay and Bye Baby are the only songs I still play and Stay and Bye Baby will be cut out soon.
Low key Mary J wasn't necessary on Reach Out. I'm just saying
This I can agree with...
Salaam Remi proved you fools wrong again
Assumed it was Mega. Fits their rivalry perfectly
So, how would you guys compare this to Illmatic?
Let's compare Nas's first with Nas's latest album. Do you think this shows considerable growth from the Nasty Nas that was on Illmatic? How do you guys think LIG compares to Illmaitc in everything else except impact (I think that Illmatic sorta wins hands down when it comes to impact)
Buy the album people.