Alexander Wiggin
All Star
dudes who are still waiting for the leak take the risk of reading reactions, which may affect the initial listening experience.
That's why I jump on the snippets to form my own first impressions.
exactly, so far i've listen to
the don
accidental murderers
and the 30 seconds snippet. To that was essential to know if the hype was worthy or not. But I don't want to be influence why way or another. All lot of people debates about summer on smash and now a lot of people who just read the comment will go to the track with apprenhension where this song should get a special treatment.
So go listen to the muthafukkin 30s snippet just once (1m30 is too long to keep a surprise) and stop askin "is this song or this song is good, because opinions of coli members are useless till you hear some