nas collection according to brianspeaking of unreleased. I spoke to the guy brian on twitter, he got a impressive list of nas' unreleased. the list he got got a lot of title I never saw. I don't know if this is made up titles because a lot of nas tracks on the internet got different titles but he claims there's a found tapes pt 3 from dj rhude. Can you confirm ?
Brian (u/BrilliantHoliday7398) - Reddit
u/BrilliantHoliday7398: There's not enough room to even write a preamble. I have a morbid obsession with hip hop music the English language and The …
i think he's still working on it but there's a lot of titles at the bottom that are not named correctly, drive is not shared
he keep on posting wrong titles this shyt like this and having people react to it Nas - The NASty Tape that title isn't even on the mixtape smh
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