[Official] MGSV: The Phantom Pain Thread: GOTY Edition.


May 4, 2012
That's cool and all right, I mean. It is a next gen version of the series. So what are you saying?
You can run now :whew:
The animations are better. Like bruh, whats the reason to say the most obvious things. You didn't need to play the game to say all that and I would have believed you. So you not really saying anything at all right now.
You say the gameplay has improved TREMENDOUSLY?
Can we take just one more gander at this trailer :usure:

Yeah, the gameplay looks top notch. The way the box just sneaks into the pentagon :whew:
Then another scene, a guy walks past this mythical box. Snake jumps out and points a gun
The guy already knows its snake..drops his weapon. Snake just runs for it

I haven't seen AI that stupid since Uncharted 1 :patrice:

If a guy jumped seemingly out of nowhere behind you in a war torn region and said freeze, would you turn around anyway?

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
If a guy jumped seemingly out of nowhere behind you in a war torn region and said freeze, would you turn around anyway?
So you mean to tell me if you was in Iraq/wherever on patrol
All a nikka would need to do is yell "freeze" and you'd drop your drawz :usure:
Snake didn't even touch him, he RUNS AWAY after doing that. Run is a strong word
He jogged about 15paces, then throws the box away
The soldier at this very moment is still standing in an alleyway with his hands up :snoop:


May 4, 2012
So you mean to tell me if you was in Iraq/wherever on patrol
All a nikka would need to do is yell "freeze" and you'd drop your drawz :usure:
Snake didn't even touch him, he RUNS AWAY after doing that. Run is a strong word
He jogged about 15paces, then throws the box away
The soldier at this very moment is still standing in an alleyway with his hands up :snoop:
If you heard freeze and click i hope you'd respect the gun. You got caught slippin now die tryin to wait n see what happens.


May 6, 2012
So you mean to tell me if you was in Iraq/wherever on patrol
All a nikka would need to do is yell "freeze" and you'd drop your drawz :usure:
Snake didn't even touch him, he RUNS AWAY after doing that. Run is a strong word
He jogged about 15paces, then throws the box away
The soldier at this very moment is still standing in an alleyway with his hands up :snoop:
Lemme guess, if this game was a Xbox One exclusive you'd have no issues with this gameplay tease.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Lemme guess, if this game was a Xbox One exclusive you'd have no issues with this gameplay tease.
Lemme guess, you're a fanboy who is stuck on stupid :beli:

Let's talk about gameplay for Xbox One games since you wanna turn everything into a console war.
sunset overdrive to me looks boring because Insomniac made it :manny:
Or maybe, the way you "transverse" thru the levels? Seems mad slow. Titanfall you dip and build up speed the more moves you string together
Sunset Overdrive in every preview.. same slow speed

Quantum Break.. No flaws there :umad:

Forza Horizon 2... Eat your heart out :win:

Dead Rising 3... I didn't like DR1. I actually REALLY enjoyed DR2 for some reason
Played the demo of pt.3 and got mad at the fact they only let you play 20min
So angry that I'm look "Oh yeah, well fukk you then nugga :birdman:"

Forza 5 >>> GT6

Killer Instinct.. Best fighting game to release in YEARS, can't wait for season 2

Max and Halo XB1 arcade titles = :ohlawd: and they better than every PS4 indie title you guys have already forgotten about.
You just gonna have to deal with that, or continue to starve :manny:

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012


The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain is an open-world Peace Walker sequel with heavy RPG elements, and I couldn’t be happier. The demo shown to us at E3 featured a very brief cinematic introducing Snake’s mission to infiltrate an Afghan village and obtain information regarding the imprisonment of Master Miller, and from there it was pure open-world gameplay.

Phantom Pain is an immediately stunning game. The scope of the mountainous landscape littered with canyons, livestock, villages, and creeks is staggering. Riding your horse across the plains brought shades of Red Dead Redemption, even down to the way the music would swell as you neared a dangerous area.

The first big surprise of the demo was the ability for Venom Snake (evidently that’s what he’s called now?) to use Peace Walker’s infinitely rad Fulton System to transport stunned enemies back to Mother Base and recruit them as your own personal Diamond Dog army. But humans are just the tip of this iceberg – everything from crates, to vehicles, to sheep can be skyhook-ed out of the world and brought back to your Big Shell-esque base of operations.

What’s even better is that you can chopper your way back to your fully-customizable Mother Base at any point in the game and wander around your creation. Seeing the spoils of my actions wandering about your base brought to mind shades of Skies of Arcadia and Suikoden, and I couldn’t be happier about that. Troops were practicing at shooting ranges, Snake could spare with his men to raise their levels, and we even spotted a young Revolver Ocelot gazing off longingly into the sunset.

Back on solid ground in Afghanistan, I was really impressed by the emphasis placed on approaching encounters in a non-lethal manner. If you want to build up your base, you can’t be John Rambo. Luckily Snake has a load of new tricks to help complete his mission without getting blood on his hand(s). Thanks to his prosthetic arm, you can attract guards by knocking wherever you are in the world, no wall needed. An active weather system brought a blinding sandstorm through the valley, and while it definitely obstructed the player’s vision, it also allowed Snake to move about under the cover of sand.

At one point in the demo, the Kojima Productions representative leading it accidental called the game Peace Walker. It was the best kind of Freudian slip imaginable.

Lucy O'Brien (@Luceobrien)

I echo Marty's sentiments that this feels exactly like a Peace Walker sequel; all the features that were missing from Ground Zeroes are now back, and the game looks to be a much richer experience for it.

I love how Kojima's not afraid to learn and grow yet still manages to keep these tried and tested Metal Gear quirks relevant. The cardboard box, for example, has had an upgrade: you can now burst out of it to shoot at enemies then duck back inside. Being spotted while moving around in it is no longer the death sentence it once was, either - you can dive out of the box into cover and leave it there as a decoy. Cue a suspicious soldier, and zip! Tranq to the head. The cigarette is back, too - but this time it's an E-cigar, and is used as a means to speed up the day/night cycle. Hey; a guy's gotta relax some time.

Are We Too Old for Stealth? - Podcast Beyond

The support marker from Peace Walker has had an upgrade, too. As well as air strikes and rations, you can now call in your team to scope out the area before you infiltrate it, allowing you to gain information on the placement of enemies beyond your immediate position.

A sense of playfulness makes a welcome return. While Ground Zeroes was a great game, it went for a much heavier tone than in previous instalments. But fultoning animals and waddling around in your tricked out cardboard box in The Phantom Pain is pure comedy, while incidental animations like your horse just casually taking a crap suggest Kojima's toilet humour is back with a welcome (depending on who you talk to) vengeance.

Of course, these features and quirks are spliced seamlessly into the fluid, stealth-focused gameplay introduced in Ground Zeroes. Boss is still a remarkably flexible protagonist, rolling and ducking and weaving in the playground of this fictional Afghanistan, and now he's even versatile on a horse; hanging off the side of his saddle in order to remain unseen feels like a hilariously implausible but totally ingenious new form of stealth.

The old is meeting the new in spectacular fashion in The Phantom Pain, and the 20 minutes we saw today left me desperate for more. While the demo didn't give us enough of a taste on the game's story to form an opinion, based on gameplay alone The Phantom Pain is undoubtedly a highlight at this year's E3.




____ exposing themselves
Jun 19, 2013
:upsetfavre: these people itt faking on the box

the box n***a :usure:?

We talking about the box :usure:

You know what type of mgs game you getting without the box :usure:....a very fu***** short one :mjlol:

Box done saved Snake from biting the bullet so many times he should be paying that s*** royalties :russ: