Things that need to be fixed/change from my playing so far.
-Walker speed is too fast. It's ridiculous, and it looks so damn stupid. MGO was always about witty gameplay and gun game, no need for any kind of vehicles in the game
-Constantly having to deal with Cloaked enemies is annoying. Not only is it difficult to see these dudes, but they can literally sprint and zip around the map with the shyt active. Make sure you always have NVGs because half of the other team may be using the Infiltrator Class
-No Host Migration, just started getting a groove in the match? Go on a killstreak? Host leaves, and that's it. Game over
-Getting into the lobbies you want to be in. Right now, there are tons of shytty lobbies with dumb settings for the matches. Bounty Hunter with 25 tickets? Waste of time... you can pick matches individually, but I don't know if you can peak and see what the settings are before joining.
-Gun sway on the DMR that I have out the gate is a bit ridiculous. I mean, I can see for bolt action snipers, but shyt, this DMR has the same amount of sway as a sniper, and it's not really easy to hit guys with it to begin with due to the recoil being high.
All in all the game is fun online, but it can easily get annoying. Especially when you're playing alone. We will be beta testing this clearly.