[Official] MGSV: The Phantom Pain Thread: GOTY Edition.


May 1, 2012


Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
image: http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/mgs5-big-boss-1024x576.jpg

The Metal Gear Solid games are synonymous with long and heavy cut scenes. But according to a journalist who went hands on with the preview build of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, has revealed that the emphasis is on delivering a better gameplay experience. Rashed Mokdad tweeted, “The game is easily leaning towards a better gameplay experience as opposed to heavy cutscenes.”

I wonder how the fan base will react towards this piece of information. The fun part of playing these games is to sit back and enjoy as the narrative unfolds through these intricately directed cut scenes. But I guess it’s best to reserve judgment until we get to play the entire game come this September.

Rashed also revealed that fans may have mixed feelings when they start playing the game but once the story settles down it’s amazing. “There a lot of changes, some fans may need to get adjusted to in order to enjoy the story.”

“I think fans will have mixed feelings in the beginning (because it feels so different) but once you get hooked it’s amazing, ” he said.

Metal Gear Solid 5 is due for the PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
As part of in-store promotion Konami is distributing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain pamphlets in Japan.

They don’t contain a whole lot of new information, but do confirm (as was pointed out by a journalist during the Preview event) that Outer Ops (or at least something similar) will return in MGSV.

On Reddit, user hecheff translated some of the text.

Obtain people and resources in the field to expand your Mother Base. Expanding Mother Base allows all sorts of new weapons and items to be developed; starting with the ones found during missions, along with all sorts of support. You can also train soldiers and send them off into missions.

Additionally, you can intrude other players’ customizable Forward Operating Base (FOB).

An Open-World METAL GEAR SOLID, a great evolution

Realistic infiltration missions in an Open World

The massive field portrays a realistic passage of time and weather, allowing you to freely form missing strategies to pull off. You can also call on your buddies for support during missions. Capture soldiers, animals, vehicles, weapons, containers, etc. and clear missions to expand your Mother Base.

A Massive Field 200-times larger than “MGSV:GZ”

The explanation of the ‘Forward Operating Base’ makes it appear as though you actually won’t be able to attack other peoples’ entire Mother Base, but only this ‘FOB’. Maybe it’s a precaution to make sure players can’t get ruined because their entire base is looted.



The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz
On one hand I'm excited, but on the other hand, I can't help but think this has something to do with hiring Sutherland who is more expensive.


Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
New images and release date for the Metal Gear Solid V ‘Man on Fire’ figure
May 21, 2015 27 Comments
Play Arts’ figure for the ‘Man on Fire’ has received a release date as well as a batch of new images. The 29 cm (about 11″) tall figure will be released on August 15 of 2015, for a price of 9760 yen (around 72 euro or 80 USD).

The Man on Fire can be seen during the hospital sequence which will serve as the intro to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Everything points to the direction of this being (a hallucination / ghost-like appearance) of Volgin, Snake’s enemy from Operation Snake Eater. But to know what role he plays we will have to wait until the game’s release.
Identity of the Man on fire in the trailers confirmed via new collectible figurine images, in case you hadn't figured it out yet.


May 18, 2012
@Kamikaze Revy

Why am I doing your job, breh? :youngsabo:

More MGSV: TPP info

Official UK PS said:
- They say the opening hour is astonishing and one of the greatest they've ever seen. The original Phantom Pain/Moby dikk Studios trailer didn't touch on it's full brilliance. They say it's completely different in tone to the rest of the game and almost horror-esque.

- Early on you can interrogate guards but you don't understand Russian/African; it's useless until you do a side-op to Fulton a translator. This unlocks the ability to understand foreign dialogue from enemies.

- Can get easily around the map using fast-travel with cardboard boxes. Orange signposts are delivery points and you can collected and dropped off elsewhere like in MGS1 and 3, but far more useful because it's open-world.

- 'Loadout' screen like in Peace Walker, you can select the time of mission start, weapons, gear, tools, mechanical arm (electrocution is just one type), explosives, buddies, boxes, starting vehicles and player character. Says you can play as your generic troops, like in PW. You can have a car or lorry with you from the start, if you want.

- Lists the Buddies as Quiet, Horse, Dog, and mech-walker. Says the mech walker can go turbo, you can put it on cruise-control, and upgrade its skill-tree to give it more stuff like CQC and a stun-gun. You only unlock the mech when you finish a 'specific' mission whilst using the mech (danced around spoilers here).

- the dog attacks enemies and finds things in the environment that shows up on the iDroid. The horse is invincible. You can put a prisoner on the horse like in Red Dead.

- Says Quiet's presence actually lowers morale on Mother Base, probably due to being a former antagonist.

- Setting off the alarm in a large base causes reinforcements to drive in from smaller, adjacent bases nearby. You can choose to shut down the smaller bases first to stop potential reinforcements, or sever smaller communications dishes in the main base to cut them off. You can also call the chopper to act as a distraction in an adjacent base, which removes reinforcements from the the base you want to get into, thinning out the ranks.

- The larger satellite dishes on the bases control automated AA defences. Blow them up and you can call for chopper extraction at closer points.

- Cardboard box tobogganing, says you can run and press square and you go into a funny slide, which retains momentum if you're on a hill.

- Named Ah-Ha, Billy Idol and David Bowie as helicopter tunes to choose from.

- They had a whole section on his notepad ready for notes on how it performed/technical complaints, and the only thing he wrote at the end of his whole session was that some foliage occasionally pops-in in Africa, i.e it was mostly perfect.

- Counted 14 or so major bases in Afghanistan, and over two dozen smaller outposts.

- Minor spoiler, they said once you rescue Miller
the base you take him from floods with gas.

- Minor enemy spoilers about the pale, weird looking soldiers from the trailers:
They're called the Skulls, they can run faster than your horse, have glowing green eyes, and are described as 'unkillable' but the word is in inverted commas so there's probably a way. They're compared to MGS4's Haven Troopers in that they fit the enhanced soldier archetype. They hunt you down after you rescue Miller.

- This has been said before, but the missions are presented a little like TV eps, with opening and closing credits. They remark how it wouldn't matter if Kojima's name was scrubbed from the box art and marketing because it's EVERYWHERE in the game.

- Every mission has smaller side-objectives that bring extra rewards if you check them all off. Reminds me of Assassin's Creed bonus objectives (or GTAV if you like). Says it only tells you the bonus objectives once you've finished the mission once, encouraging replayability without distracting you with it on the first pass.

- There's a great screen of DD riding in a jeep with Snake.

- You have to upgrade the Fulton to extract heavier stuff. When extracted, it's gone from the map for good, so you can't farm for infinite stuff.

- Says that like PW, there's a lot of cassette tapes to flesh out the story if you want to.

- Game structure is open-ended. Numerous missions are open at any time and you don't have to go back to Mother Base in between. Some 'Important' side-ops open up new story missions. The game rewards you constantly with new blueprints and tapes.

- Some side-ops have you rescuing 'crazed' survivors from your MSF base-destruction 9 years ago.

- One side-op you have to tranq and extract a 'legendary brown bear'.

- New Mother Base is in the Seychelles. Compares MP to Dark Souls invasions, which can simply turn off in the menu.

- Goes over the base management, tl;dr sounds like a richer version of PW. Outer Ops seems to be back to send your Combat soldiers to.

- Wash blood off of Snake at the Mother Base showers, do target practice or fight with new recruits. Says MB starts off disappointingly small, but soon grows and adds new layers and levels. Morale of your men will drop if you don't visit it often enough.

- The item to view enemy soldier stats in the field before Fultoning is back from PW.

- Mission completion times are recorded to the thousandth of a second.

- There was a lot more they saw, but not allowed to talk about yet.


Feb 21, 2014
Duval County
I wonder how the fan base will react towards this piece of information. The fun part of playing these games is to sit back and enjoy as the narrative unfolds through these intricately directed cut scenes. But I guess it’s best to reserve judgment until we get to play the entire game come this September.
