Never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad that Konami delayed the multiplayer - I would've went straight to it and completely neglected the single player - I'm enjoying this game .... This how you do an open world in the virtual world....
I'm largely focused on building my mother base, so I've been doing a ton of side-op missions. Haven't looked at a single walk through, youtube video, strategy guide. No nothing. I'm just playing and going by nothing but instincts as far as upgrading weapons, hiring staff, completing missions etc just like I did in the other Metal Gear games where I didn't have access to "cheat sheets". Some of my grades on these missions tho..... I would've gotten my ass beat growing up if my report card looked like this

One complaint I do have is that I wish Snake would've went to the school of Nathan Drake, or Laura Croft so he could learn how to properly scale mountains and cliff - It's frustrating having a 4 foot ledge stand in front of you, and a super soldier like Snake can't even climb it without either running in place, or immediately slipping back down the ledge...
Get D-Horse almost killed by a supply drop because you're too busy looking through inventory for the mission ahead brehs :mjsnakecry:.