Ran into that bear on Mission 5 (I think). Head shot tranq just made it angry.
What chapter are you on? Isn't after 5 or 6 that you can start building everything.
I wasn't able to get him until later on.Ran into that bear on Mission 5 (I think). Head shot tranq just made it angry.
good response to "mgsv has a bunch of filler " post. The mountains thing is irrelevant in the second map. It's in the first map to make things easier and more focused for the player, I reckon. And it's also not true of certain parts of the first map, eg the Western area.
2. Every single 'collectible' in the game has gameplay impact. Herbs help you make better weapons/upgrades. Diamonds help you pay for upgrades. Materials help you with upgrades and base-building and can be sold. Comms dishes knock out reinforcement calls to other bases. Comms stations knock out all communications to HQ. Anti-air arrays allow you to call in choppers. Invoices let you fast travel. Cassette tapes let you feel like a badass and fill down-time between missions. Posters get you money and can be put on your cardboard box to distract guards.
Let's compare that to most other open world games shall we?
Animus fragments. Do nothing. Riddler trophies. Some are amazing, but most are just there for the sake of it and do nothing. Pigeons in GTAIV. Do nothing. The thousands of notes and stupid pointless side missions in FarCry 4. Do nothing, except rarely a unique weapon which you'll have a better version of anyway.
3. Side ops are not 'filler missions'. They are a) optional b) often really fun even if it's the same objective as an old one and c) help you expand MB/your gear.
Christ man, at this stage it sounds like you just have really heavy confirmation bias and you're complaining for the sake of it.
Play for another 10 hours and get back to us. Your complains seem really, truly insane.
good response to "mgsv has a bunch of filler " post
I wasn't able to get him until later on.
I used the tranq sniper. 1 headshot put him down
The game play makes simple objectives so good. A simple "destroy this " mission plays out so crazy.nikkas that don't have the game and come in here wanting complain should be banned from the thread. I don't want to see that neogaf type fakkitry in here
I'm not even out of Afghanistan yet, I'm playing like trash and it's still my GOTY.
That bear...
killed me the first time I encountered it. I hit it in the head with the tranq pistol twice (thinking it was enough) and nikka charged me and smacked me down. I'm like
trying to get back up then I get smacked to death.
Second time around I just repeatedly shot it with the tranq pistol again just used the dive button whenever it got close. I think it took 16 shots to take down.
makes it look way too easyThat guy is my hero lol, so damn good