[Official] MGSV: The Phantom Pain Thread: GOTY Edition.


May 1, 2012

Actor extraordinaire Troy Baker plays Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and he commented in an interview on Kinda Funny Games that the game is very, very big.

I’m anxious to see how people will look at this new Metal Gear, because it’s really different man. It fits perfectly within the rest of the franchise, and in same ways I think it’s…. It’s gonna be really good, but I’m really curious to see what people think.

It may be the biggest game I’ve ever seen. Just in terms of everything that you can do. Skyrim looks like an afternoon playpen next to it. It’s massive. It’s absolutely massive in what you can do.

Baker also mentioned that he applauds Kiefer Sutherland for how he approached his work on Snake and especially how he faced the not-so-friendly reaction to his role from part of the fanbase:

He came in and… if you watched his feature at The Game Awards, I wanted to stand up and applaud the guy, because the way he came out, the heart that he came out with, it’s just very contrite and gracious to all the fans.

There was like this understanding underneath and “look, I get it. You don’t want me to be snake. That’s fine. Neither did I, but let me tell you what made me fall in love with it, and how I told my other friends about how important this story means to the world and to entertainment period.”

I was like “Good on you man”, because they put him through the fuc*ing ringer man.


May 1, 2012
The size of Grand Theft Auto 5's map is 6.63 miles multiplied by 4.73 miles which equals 31.39 miles squared. Of that, 350 map squares are water so once you remove that 12.55 square miles of ocean you end up with 18.84 square miles of land.

By comparison, The Phantom Pain's map is 2.48 miles multiplied by 2.48 miles for a total of 6.18 square miles. The game is set in Afghanistan which is a landlocked country so there's no deduction needed for sea areas.

This means that the total map size for The Phantom Pain is 32 per cent of Grand Theft Auto 5's map which is still significantly larger than what we've seen in past Metal Gear Solid games.

Edit: This is just Afghanistan not the whole map.


May 1, 2012
It looks like gamers would have to wait a bit longer for the Metal Gear Solid 5: Phatom Pain release date as Hideo Kojima admits the game hasn't even finished the production of the game and they're having troubles finishing it

Hideo Kojima has confirmed that the development for the "main part" of the Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain is just beginning.

Gamepur reported that play testing sessions are now underway at the Kojima Station and that Kojima himself admitted that they are finding trouble on how to balance the game at the moment.

"The phase of adjustment takes place before the phase of difficulty setting or debugging. Putting together all the elements based on the plan. Checking like is it alright? is it fun?or good in balance? and fix those is the most important phase for action game. It's close to editing phase in term of film making but for game development this is the beginning of the main part." Says Hideo Kojima.

The report also mentions that:

"Kojima also talked about how tutorials are difficult this time. In a linear game you would start the player in a small area and gradually expand what they can do, but you can't do that in open world stealth. Ideally the player can go wherever he wants and can discover things himself."

With the game not even in the bug fixing process, it's highly unlikely that the game would launch in Q1 of 2015 as what previous release date estimations claim.

Cyberland reported that the Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain release date would be announced at E3 2015 which means that a Fall 2015 launch for the game is very likely.

:sadbron: not like this....


May 1, 2012
David Hayter Possibly Teases His Return As Solid Snake In MGS5, Konami Exec Comments On Release Date
Brain twister.

17th, Jan. 2015 | Posted In News | By Rashid Sayed| Follow This Author @GamingBoltTweet

image: http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/mgsv_mgo_tga_11_web-Copy.jpg

Ex-voice actor of Big Boss, David Hayter has responded to a fan query regarding his possible appearance as Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. When asked by a fan that whether it’s safe to assume he is Solid Snake in MGS5, Hayter’s response is rather twisted.

“I’m not “not allowed” to not tell anyone about anything,” he tweeted back. Brain twister, right? If you read closely, he is saying that he is allowed to to not tell anyone regarding this. In the past, there have been some vague indicators that Hayter may be returning back to the series. Audio files which sound similar to him were found last month in the PC version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and Hayter’s friend Quinton Flynn, the voice actor for Raiden stated that he was told that he is still Solid Snake and Kiefer Sutherland has only taken over the role of Big Boss.

Hayter has stated on a couple of times that he is not involved with the game in anyway. But there is a theory among fans that Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain will possibly bridge events till the original Metal Gear which was released in 1987. Hideo Kojima has also explicitly stated in the past that Solid Snake will return in Metal Gear Solid 5, however those statements were made before the game was announced.

But close to the release of Ground Zeroes earlier in 2014, Kojima was asked by GameInformer whether The Phantom Pain will close the gap between the stories of Solid Snake and Big Boss, to which he replied, “Please don’t look me in the eyes because I’m so tempted to tell you and I shouldn’t. What I should say is that there is a specific way for the games to put things together.” He was also asked about his ideal candidate for Solid Snake’s VO by CVG back during E3 2013, to which he replied, “Well he’s a child… I don’t know if I have someone to recommend but let me think! (laughs) At the same time I don’t even know if Solid Snake will make an appearance in this game. If we said anything right now it would be a spoiler and bad for the fans, so we’re going to stay away from that question.”

Take this with a grain of salt as Hayter may be just playing around with his fans.

On a related note, Konami’s Tora Shiro took to Neogaf to share his thoughts on the release date of the game. “Trust me, it’s only compounded by how much I want that info out, as well– so we can get to talking about more fun parts of the game. It seems we’re all just really hinging on that release date,” he said. He also confirmed that the game is scheduled to be released in 2015 and won’t slip in 2016.

Hideo Kojima will be showcasing new information at the Taipei Games Show On January 31st, so let us hope that he finally gives us the release date then.

Read more at http://gamingbolt.com/david-hayter-...-comments-on-release-date#a8Hrf2AgT0hErMVP.99

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
No release date yet?



May 1, 2012
Hideo Kojima Trolls Everyone – Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Will Have a… Chicken Cap
by Giuseppe Nelva on December 25, 2014 8:34 AM 18 @abriael


During the latest episode of Kojima Station, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Director Hideo Kojima pretty much trolled everyone.

After almost three hours of rather uninteresting livestream for which he had promised the latest news about the game, he showcased a… chicken cap.

It’s an in-game hat that players can opt to wear, and that will make them harder to spot. It will also appear in cutscenes, and will have additional features. Basically, it’s a crutch for those that get spotted a lot and want an easier time.

You can check it out above and below. I’ll spare you the comments that were thrown by the audience in the livestream chat, because they really weren’t flattering.


Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
I'm glad to see my theory about David Hayter is getting traction. I remember when they announced Keifer Sutherland would be playing Big Boss I told my brother the only reason I would see them changing the voice actor for big boss is if they plan on having big boss and solid snake in this game together at some point...some how. Who knows but a MGS fanboy has to dream.

Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
I'm glad to see my theory about David Hayter is getting traction. I remember when they announced Keifer Sutherland would be playing Big Boss I told my brother the only reason I would see them changing the voice actor for big boss is if they plan on having big boss and solid snake in this game together at some point...some how. Who knows but a MGS fanboy has to dream.
I thought the same thing too till i read that the japanese voice actor who did solid and bb is still doing bb.


The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz
On the latest episode of weekly webcast Kojima Station, Kojima Productions teased the release date for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is nearing its announcement.

“I know you’ve all been eagerly await for word on releasing timing,” a Kojima Productions spokesperson said during the broadcast. “I think we should be able to announce that soon, so look forward to that. It’s only a little longer.”

As far as upcoming events go, The Phantom Pain will be at the Taipei Game Show on January 31 with “new information.”

In terms of development, The Phantom Pain is currently just before the bug check phase, as the team is currently adjusting some of the game’s newly introduced elements.

