Yeah I know that but I also know intelligence does not equal taste.You do know in nature stupidity outnumbers the intelligent. Half the folks thst liked the film like trash entertainment and dont know jack bout cinema on the cool. They prolly read at a 3rd grade level and barely based Earth science.
This is purely anecdictal due to the area I was at, but the general consensus of the film that was loved at my past job, shows me that they all have sub IQs. Most havent even read book since HS or College, and even then it wasn't for consumption, it was for answers to homework.
I hated the movoe for more than its travesty of T'Challa. Its the psy ops of it, the cgi, the weak use of Man-Ape, and lacl of Bastet religion because they know negro love them summa jesus!
'Intelligent people' make bad entertainment and people with little to no education can make genius level entertainment.
The aim of the studio making BP was to sell a lot of tickets and garner a lot of acclaim. Mission accomplished. When 'real art' happens in high stakes (blockbuster movie making in this case) entertainment it is a bonus not the main idea.