Overall, I liked the ending to ME3. Some things could have been more cohesive, but overall it was good to me. I think people get so hung up on having a happy ending. Where Shepard saves the day and all is right with the world. They also want things explained that don't need an explanation.
I don't know, everything seems nitpicky to me.
No offense man but this is why when people get into the series late it's hard to take their opinion seriously.
The back lash against 3 had nothing to do with there being a happy ending. Or Shepard saving the day. Or "things being explained".
The controversy revolved around two things:
1. There not being any real difference in the choices at the end.
2. The exposition dump from a character that was introduced in the last 5 minutes of the series.
That's it. I mean....a Bioware writer (Patrick Weekes) actually came out and said "yeah, sorry the ending was wack, our boss locked us out of the writing process at the last minute" and cats are still like

I don't get it.