You realize that’s Mobius who has no idea who Kang is and why he’s doing it. Once Mobius finds out the truth he turns on the TVA.
Why aren’t you quoting Ravenna, in her final scene, after the truth is revealed, who is goin out to “find free will” after saying that only Kang has it.
You stupid fukk.
she was wrong that only kang has it.
everyone has free will.
no one is stopped from doing anything (aside from those that are arrested by the TVA) and even those TVA stops happen AFTER the free will act.
also the script explicitly says that there are multiple timelines. multiple times.
when sylvie says "free will" she means that her actions are governed by what SHE knows the TVA does to those who do actions it does not like.
she is on the run. like being on the run from the police/
it does not mean that all actions apart from one single choice is deleted otherwise there would not be multiple timelines.
think of it like the police.
there is a difference between the limits on action that society/the police place on us (like the TVA do) and us having no free will at all.
even though the police exist to constrain our behaviour we still have free will.
it is free from apriori control but not free from post-hoc sanction.
just like our lives now.
some might consider that humans do not have free will now because of societal control but that unavoidable when you have groups.
TL;DR she is talking about the concept of absolute free will to do anything. not whether we possess the power of free will to make choices (like a robot). even without the TVA people are not free to do "anything" without sanction.