Official Loki Thread


May 7, 2012

I don't know what's worse: that this exists, or that I got the joke almost instantly. :dead:


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
I'm way behind on the MCU and only 1 ep into this season, but I'll never understand people that compare Kang and Thanos.

Thanos is one threat. Technically two, because the "Infinity War" version died in the first 5 minutes of "Endgame". Regardless, it was the same person.

The thing about Kang is, there isn't one. Or two. There's an infinite amount. So him getting defeated by Antman isn't an indictment on the character, its the whole point of the character. He can be defeated a million times, and there's potentially always a worse version waiting in the wings.

the multitudes ain’t the positive you think it is.

it’s like when you watch MMPR or Voltron and they always defeat the monster with a giant sword. At a certain point you just sit there and wait knowing that’s how it will end no matter how many different monsters there are.

And dumbing the infinity saga down to its was just one guy is a disservice. The point of the infinity stones we saw in the previous movies all ruined the villains. No one could control them. So when Thanos steps up not only does he have a plan to wield them with the gauntlet, he is unrelent physically and mentally.

All of Kang’s accomplishments have been off screen.

”I ended the multiversal war!” Didn’t see it
” They banished me”. Didn’t see it


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
this was the worst one fym
the entire conflict happened because sylvie didn't kill renslayer last episode when she had every reason to. what the fukk was sending her to the end of time supposed to accomplish when she could just pop back into the TVA whenever she wanted? And then the bytch died anyway, like wtf. Like what was the point of this episode? I think it retroactively made the last episode worse actually
What are you talking about. The conflict was in how to save the TVA literally and figuratively. The episode was called HEART of the TVA.

Renslayer was going iron fist style. Loki was trusting in OB, Casey, and Timely.
Sylvie wants to burn it to the ground, Loki wants to fix it.
Renslayer offered the agents death vs B-15 trusting in their common goals.

killing Renslayer in episode three wouldn’t have stopped the radiation exposure that’s been building since episode 1.


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
So these are my thoughts (I could be 100% wrong)

When the temporal loom exploded everyone went back to their original timelines before they became TVA agents and lost their memories. Everyone besides Loki because his original timeline(from 2012) was already pruned. So Loki goes back to timeslipping because he doesn't have a original timeline to go back to. (There are some timeslipping scenes of Loki in the trailers that we haven't seen yet.)

Next episode we will probably get some flashbacks to what everyone was doing pre TVA. As far as Victor Timely I think we just saw every Kang's origin story just now. Victor's temporal aura was just scattered through time itself. Would be dope if they somehow link this moment to the (Council Of Kangs) scene at the end of Quantumania.

Ravonna is now in the void and will probably be seen next in Deadpool 3 (A big part of that movie is gonna happen in the void and the TVA is also gonna have a huge part in that movie)

But yea this entire season we are watching a snake eat it's own tail. The destruction of the TVA is what creates it. The "Death" of Victor Timely is what creates the Council Of Kangs and restarts the Multiversal War. It also won't surprise me if we learn in these last 2 episodes that it was Loki himself who was the one that took the TVA agents off the timeline originally. It's a Ouroboros.
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Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Watching the most recent episode right now l, 20 min in, and it's amazing to me how Marvel always succeeds at making the white women in these shows such selfish narcissistic annoying heffas.

It's actually the most realistic part of Marvel. I didn't expect them to keep it real like this. :ehh:
Disagree on Sylvie. She was taken as a child by the TVA and hadn’t done anything. Then she escaped and was forced to live a life moving from disaster to disaster to escape them. She has plenty of reason to hate and mistrust then. Further she knows that they regularly destroy countless lives. It’s interesting the views some people get on some female characters even when the context justifies their actions. And I say that as someone who takes issue with the writing for some modern female characters. But that sentiment doesn’t apply to Sylvie as they clearly set up her motivations and why she acts the way she does.

Warren Peace

Mar 11, 2022
What are you talking about. The conflict was in how to save the TVA literally and figuratively. The episode was called HEART of the TVA.

Renslayer was going iron fist style. Loki was trusting in OB, Casey, and Timely.
Sylvie wants to burn it to the ground, Loki wants to fix it.
Renslayer offered the agents death vs B-15 trusting in their common goals.

killing Renslayer in episode three wouldn’t have stopped the radiation exposure that’s been building since episode 1.
the issue isn't the same as the conflict. the conflict stands in the way of them solving the issue. renslayer is the source of the problem in this episode. unnecessarily so. you kill renslayer in episode 3, she can't release miss minutes or come back and kill all those people in the next one. sylvie caused more problems for them just trying to be cute rather than practical. obviously we know now what they were working towards was a fruitless ambition but NO ONE knew the radiation was strong enough to make fixing the loom impossible at the time. it felt like drama for drama's sake and only went towards making sylvie look foolish.

sylvie has been written awfully this season. mad for no reason when mobius says let's get pie. wtf did she want him to do? get on in there and help the people who actually know how to fix shyt work on retrofitting the loom? all he and loki could do is wait for them to work their magic and here this bytch go babbling about morbius not wanting to know who he is on the timeline like she was there in the room when he told loki he didn't care lmao like she was watching the show with us. that part was incredibly contrived and clearly just there to play off/further mobius's seasonal arc.

I just expect better from this show, is all. :yeshrug:

WMG the 2nd

Nov 18, 2016
So these are my thoughts (I could be 100% wrong)

When the temporal loom exploded everyone went back to their original timelines before they became TVA agents and lost their memories. Everyone besides Loki because his original timeline(from 2012) was already pruned. So Loki goes back to timeslipping because he doesn't have a original timeline to go back to. (There are some timeslipping scenes of Loki in the trailers that we haven't seen yet.)

Next episode we will probably get some flashbacks to what everyone was doing pre TVA. As far as Victor Timely I think we just saw every Kang's origin story just now. Victor's temporal aura was just blasted through time itself. Would be dope if they somehow link this moment to the (Council Of Kangs) scene at the end of Quantumania.

Ravonna is now in the void and will probably be seen next in Deadpool 3 (A big part of that movie is gonna happen in the void and the TVA is also gonna have a huge part in that movie)

But yea this entire season we are watching a snake eat it's own tail. The destruction of the TVA is what creates it. The "Death" of Victor Timely is what creates the Council Of Kangs and restarts the Multiversal War. It also won't surprise me if we learn in these last 2 episodes that it was Loki himself who was the one that took the TVA agents off the timeline originally. It's a Ouroboros.
Thing with the kang origin thing is it will be like all those multiverse of kangs have existed already (which because time is a cage, does make sense.)

And because hwr has likely done this millions of times, the one who has the road paved to tame alioth, win the war, and take over the multiverse will do so again.

Reincarnation, baby.

WMG the 2nd

Nov 18, 2016

Now I’m starting to wonder if Loki wants to control the TVA himself. I think he’s playing a much deeper game than anyone realizes🤔

He spelled it out for sylvie in the lunch room

He’s become a reluctant god. HWR told him they should run it for him…or until he comes back.


May 1, 2012
the issue isn't the same as the conflict. the conflict stands in the way of them solving the issue. renslayer is the source of the problem in this episode. unnecessarily so. you kill renslayer in episode 3, she can't release miss minutes or come back and kill all those people in the next one. sylvie caused more problems for them just trying to be cute rather than practical. obviously we know now what they were working towards was a fruitless ambition but NO ONE knew the radiation was strong enough to make fixing the loom impossible at the time. it felt like drama for drama's sake and only went towards making sylvie look foolish.

sylvie has been written awfully this season. mad for no reason when mobius says let's get pie. wtf did she want him to do? get on in there and help the people who actually know how to fix shyt work on retrofitting the loom? all he and loki could do is wait for them to work their magic and here this bytch go babbling about morbius not wanting to know who he is on the timeline like she was there in the room when he told loki he didn't care lmao like she was watching the show with us. that part was incredibly contrived and clearly just there to play off/further mobius's seasonal arc.

I just expect better from this show, is all. :yeshrug:
Y’all are miserable ass ppl I swear