Stans (on both sides) will always spin positives into negatives and vice versa.
This particular argument is weird/funny to me. It's cool if you don't like cinematic games but the general delivery of it is what was amusing:
Look at Sony back at it again. All they seem to know how to make is the same gorgeous games, with great stories, and game play. Why don't they try something else for a change? Make a racing game where Lamborghinis drive on the beach as if it was a regular street, or how about some first person shooters. I'm sick of all this amazing production value coming out of Sony with all that depth. Give me a quick, story-less game...give me a casual experience. What I look like watching Netflix all day and then playing a game with stories and universes just as intriguing. XBOX, launch Netflix and save me from this. I hate story driven content.