Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
like i told the other cat: i wasnt talking about the quality of the film, just the response to for not having a physical antagonist being the reason people didnt like that superman: i call bullshyt brotha...he didnt have one in the original superman...his antagonist was was luthor and an earthquake lol....the superman in SR was what people asked for, that's why it was more like 1 & 2 superman, not 3 & 4 superman....after they got it, then people complained they didnt want the boy scout, do gooder...that he was too black/white, and not 'realistic'/'relate able' for the times (the same shyt they said about him in comics) the studio gave a more modern superman in MoS and people complained they wanted the boy scout back.....

they showed more powers than just flying in the movie...the airplane scene alone (which is still one of the best scenes in a comic movie) showed flying, strength, heat vision, and his intelligence (how he had to be gentle with the plane when stopping it).....hell, that scene also showed his charm 'flying is still safer than driving' for the twist, that was continuation....

and you're right, it was more a love letter to superman, cause that's what it was trying to be was finishing the story line from 1 & 2, trying to erase 3 & 4.....people really act like those movies dont exist/didnt get made when they talk about superman movies....

lol that's a lot to respond to..... honestly I read only part of this.... will read the rest but i had to immediately respond to your first dispute.

I wasn't talking about quality either.

The no antagonist thing isn't Bullshyt... that's was legit. I remember critics people clowning it saying but "bu bu bu but Superman didn't even throw a punch".

You're right there about Superman 1 that came out in like 1979-1981 but SR is a movie that dropped 30 years later in an entirely different era. There are things that aren't cool and acceptable now that got a pass then.

Prime example is something as simple costumes, no one would accept that now like it was cool in 80s.

Also other things like spinning the world backwards to change time or having powers/weapons that's he historically never had (i.e. The net from his chestplate and hypnosis kisses).

Plus thing about all the other movies that had dropped around the time this one had, everyone had a villain and big bad to fight in the end.... this one didn't and that made it stand out like a sore thumb in an era when people bytch and moan about the bad guy "bu bu bu bu but the the the the villain).

If that movie would've came out in 87, SR would've been loved a one of the greatest movies of all times.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
No, I disagree with your reason's for why people didnt like it.... it wasnt because it was a continuation (and again.... being that its connected to 1&2, it makes perfect since for him to more or less be CReeves). It wasnt accepted well to the fact that he didnt really have a physical antagonist to fight with... his villain was a giant rock.

This was a Superman movie that he didnt even throw a punch and barely showed his powers other than flying and the only fight in the movie was him getting the beats like a Wordstar vid. Also people hated that twist in the end when its revealed he has a son.

That movie felt more like a "Love Letter" to Superman vs a summer blockbuster big box office movie
The OG Superman was the exact same thing and people still point to that as the epitome of what a big screen Superman should be.
Now the real reason Superman Returns wasn't accepted was that it tried too hard to be the Reeves/Donner/Shuler Superman movies while at the same time making Superman into some creepy pseudo-stalkerish deadbeat dad.

The one good thing about Superman Returns was the shuttle rescue scenes.

Even as big a Spacey fan as I am, having him be the same lightweight real estate con man was such a waste of his talents.
In those scenes where Luthor put the beats on Superman you could glimmers of the great Lex Luthor performance that Spacey could have given us.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I didn't think SR was a bad movie..... I just think it dropped in the wrong era.

Plus it was I initially supposed to be the starting point of a new trilogy so it felt like they was trynna go the route of a "soft open" vs smash you in the face with a lot new shyt.

Again I bet if this movie would've had a big another villain or big fight it would've been received better..... could've went just like the most recent BvS.

Didn't know even need that "villain" to have a presence in th whole movie just come out of nowhere and fight Superman in th last 15-20 mins (again like BvS).

I think if they would've been granted a sequel they would've probably significantly upped the ante


Jul 16, 2013
lol that's a lot to respond to..... honestly I read only part of this.... will read the rest but i had to immediately respond to your first dispute.

I wasn't talking about quality either.

The no antagonist thing isn't Bullshyt... that's was legit. I remember critics people clowning it saying but "bu bu bu but Superman didn't even throw a punch".

You're right there about Superman 1 that came out in like 1979-1981 but SR is a movie that dropped 30 years later in an entirely different era. There are things that aren't cool and acceptable now that got a pass then.

Prime example is something as simple costumes, no one would accept that now like it was cool in 80s.

Also other things like spinning the world backwards to change time or having powers/weapons that's he historically never had (i.e. The net from his chestplate and hypnosis kisses).

Plus thing about all the other movies that had dropped around the time this one had, everyone had a villain and big bad to fight in the end.... this one didn't and that made it stand out like a sore thumb in an era when people bytch and moan about the bad guy "bu bu bu bu but the the the the villain).

If that movie would've came out in 87, SR would've been loved a one of the greatest movies of all times.

lol my bad...i just start typing and let it go till it's done...

i get what you saying about the difference in eras, but the thing is they were continuing a story line...that's what people are ignoring.....if this was a reboot of superman, then yes, they shouldve went in a different direction with supe, added a villain for him to fight, etc.; but it wasnt...they were finishing the story continuing from 1 & 2, which is why he had a kid, acted the way he did, had luthor as the villain, etc...


Jul 16, 2013
speaking of superman, in a recently published interview, snyder has said his presence (lack there of) plays a big part in jl....which is cool to me...we know he gonna come back, but in this jl movie, i think most of the movie needs to be without him physically....i wanna see the team get together, let them shine, but then show why they need supe...not only his powers, but the beacon of hope he stands for...the boy scout, do gooder...

Bruce Wayne

Sep 5, 2012
Gotham City

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
lol my bad...i just start typing and let it go till it's done...

i get what you saying about the difference in eras, but the thing is they were continuing a story line...that's what people are ignoring.....if this was a reboot of superman, then yes, they shouldve went in a different direction with supe, added a villain for him to fight, etc.; but it wasnt...they were finishing the story continuing from 1 & 2, which is why he had a kid, acted the way he did, had luthor as the villain, etc...

Oh no you straight.... I definitely agree they were continuing storylines and I know they didnt hide it, they practically stated it when they were promoting the movie. If people are trynna pretend they dont know that now, its only cuz they didnt pay attention then or been so many years removed from it they forgot.

But this was definitely continuing from the OG series. I believe the plans if they were going to move forwards was to advance the story even more, I even recall back them the possibility of a Superman/NolanBatman movie back then when there was a magazine cover with both Routhe and Bale on it in costume and both openly saying they'd loved to work together.

I'm not sure what ultimately made them change they minds (more like I forgot) but some game changing things happened that made them decide to put the kabosh on that