
Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
I rewatch from jump every year.. It truly is amazing how this show just flipped the script.. but really didn't

starts off, first scene, with the white walkers.. Then they just let you forget about it until damn near episode 7... I'm watching with this girl for her first time. She completely forgot about them. I'm thinking to myself, we haven't even got to magic, faceless men, dragons, wars, deceptions, or even the walkers true numbers

Watching season 1 and watching season 7 is like two different shows. But it was always about the white walkers. But also, never about them :mindblown:

The story is so well written. GRRM is a wiz. Like you said, as the story progressed it was no longer about the white walkers, YET it was always about them. Every conflict and every major death that spawned from the petty conflicts are all part of many prohecies by the many prophets, greenseers, woodwitches, wizards, servants etc that serve their various religions in the ASOIF world. Whether its R'hllor(Lord Of Light), The Old Gods Of Westeros/The North(children of the forest religion), Valyrian greensight(Dany, and other past Targaryens had prophetic dreams), etc, all these ppl had various prophecies come true concerning the petty conflicts of the current story. And the deaths and or events from these conflicts ontribute to humanities fate. Magic was always still apart of the story. Just beneath the surface.


Feb 8, 2015
Waiting for that trailer drop :steviej:

No one wants to see #StarkSet in these Westeros streets :birdman:


What could have been :mjcry:


Feb 8, 2015
Clearly I disagree with the typical woman comment, but Cercei is a delusional, grade A b!tch. I swear she succeeds in spite of her huge, self inflicted disasters. She assists the killing of her husband to control the realm via Joffrey, but finds out that he is an uncontrollable psychopath. She tries to marry Tyrion off only for her father to demand that she wed Loras as well. My favorite one is when she underestimates the Sparrow and chooses to blow up a whole city as a response - b/c there's no such thing as backlash right? She has absolutely no foresight. As Tywin said, Cercei is not as smart as she thinks she is - which is one of the truest statements of the entire series.

All of Tywin's children have pieces of him. Jaime excelled at being a warrior. Now Tywin wasn't exactly known as a great swordsman but, he was a brilliant general/military tactician. He destroyed two major houses in war before his 19th birthday. Tywin and his brother Kevan were with the shyts. When they came home from war as teenagers they saw their dad Tytos as the bytch nikka he truly was :hhh: and took over. Jaime was a disappointment because he was only a great warrior/fighter but, not a great leader/general. Cersei has all of Tywin's brutality. Tywin was so foul during his war with the Tarbecks and the Reynes, he trapped all the Reynes in the mines of their castle (which was built into a mountain similar to Casterly Rock), sealed all the exits, then flooded the entire place with everyone in it :picard: That's where Cersei gets her craziness from. The only difference is Cersei doesn't think past next week. Everything she does blows up in her face because she doesn't think about the consequences. Tyrion inherited Tywin's intellect. It's his only saving grace being a dwarf. Tywin's sister once told him that out of all his children, Tyrion was the only one worth a damn, and that he was his real heir. If Tyrion was average height, he would've been Tywin's favorite. In the early seasons, there were times where you could see that Tywin knew that Tyrion was his only intellectual equal in the family but, he was never ever going to get over the fact that his son was a dwarf, that Casterly Rock could not be run by a dwarf and that his wife died birthing something he considered to be an abomination.


Nov 18, 2016
All of Tywin's children have pieces of him. Jaime excelled at being a warrior. Now Tywin wasn't exactly known as a great swordsman but, he was a brilliant general/military tactician. He destroyed two major houses in war before his 19th birthday. Tywin and his brother Kevan were with the shyts. When they came home from war as teenagers they saw their dad Tytos as the bytch nikka he truly was :hhh: and took over. Jaime was a disappointment because he was only a great warrior/fighter but, not a great leader/general. Cersei has all of Tywin's brutality. Tywin was so foul during his war with the Tarbecks and the Reynes, he trapped all the Reynes in the mines of their castle (which was built into a mountain similar to Casterly Rock), sealed all the exits, then flooded the entire place with everyone in it :picard: That's where Cersei gets her craziness from. The only difference is Cersei doesn't think past next week. Everything she does blows up in her face because she doesn't think about the consequences. Tyrion inherited Tywin's intellect. It's his only saving grace being a dwarf. Tywin's sister once told him that out of all his children, Tyrion was the only one worth a damn, and that he was his real heir. If Tyrion was average height, he would've been Tywin's favorite. In the early seasons, there were times where you could see that Tywin knew that Tyrion was his only intellectual equal in the family but, he was never ever going to get over the fact that his son was a dwarf, that Casterly Rock could not be run by a dwarf and that his wife died birthing something he considered to be an abomination.

Great insight. I agree completely.


Bond's gun spoke once....
May 2, 2012
The Weird Side
6 is my #2 behind 4 as my favorite and 7 is my 2nd worst, with 5 being the worst.

7 The Bay-esque scenes were the only reason this isn't worse than 5. The story telling was absolutely terrible.
Thats the list my dude....


Feb 8, 2015
Rewatching the entire seasons for April, currently on Season 2.

It hurts watching Robb knowing he just setting himself up to get murked. I'm still stuck on whether it was dumb for him to marry another girl instead of the Frey chick when his only focus should have been on winning the war and saving his family versus questioning whether Walder was overstepping to begin with by extorting his liege lord's grandson into marriage when he was bound by law to serve the family in the first place. The Northerners came together and saved Jon and Sansa's ass in Season 6 when they didn't have a pot to piss in because the Starks were the rulers there. So, the Freys should have been honor bound to do the same for the Tullys. But I don't know. I'm leaning towards the latter because Frey was foul. Robb just should have never accepted an invitation to his house.

After watching Season 1, Eddard was too honorable for his own good. In war you have to win. You can't be honorable if you're dead. He had no qualms about riding up on Arthur Dayne and the other two Kingsguard with 7 men, overwhelming them and letting his man stab them in the back after Arthur beat him fair and square. Nor about keeping Jon's parentage a secret. All that honorable shyt flew out the window. He knew Cersei was crazy but, made bad decision after bad decision. And because of his naivete, he lost his head. Sansa was tortured by that crazy little shyt, then tortured by someone even crazier. Arya ended up an orphan. Robb died fighting a war he wasn't ready for. Catelyn got killed. Rickon got killed. All of his closest soldiers got killed. And Bran basically isn't Bran anymore. He fukked up like three times. The moment Robert and him disagreed the first time, he should've put himself and his family on a ship back to The North. Who gives a fukk if Robert's kids aren't his and the Lannisters are evil. fukk em. Not your problem. Joffrey would've still ended up marrying Margery once Sansa was gone and the Tyrells would've killed him the same way. Problem solved. If he WAS going to stay in KL, then he should've been smarter. Because Ned fukked up a second time by warning Cersei when he should've gone right to Robert, he should have had everyone in the room when Robert made him Regent, he should have been getting the Gold Cloaks, Littlefinger and Varys on his side from the very beginning, he should have fired off them Ravens all across the realm once he found out about Joffrey, he should have had others listening while he was talking to Cersei and she implicated herself. So many things he could have done better :snoop:


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
Rewatching the entire seasons for April, currently on Season 2.

It hurts watching Robb knowing he just setting himself up to get murked. I'm still stuck on whether it was dumb for him to marry another girl instead of the Frey chick when his only focus should have been on winning the war and saving his family versus questioning whether Walder was overstepping to begin with by extorting his liege lord's grandson into marriage when he was bound by law to serve the family in the first place. The Northerners came together and saved Jon and Sansa's ass in Season 6 when they didn't have a pot to piss in because the Starks were the rulers there. So, the Freys should have been honor bound to do the same for the Tullys. But I don't know. I'm leaning towards the latter because Frey was foul. Robb just should have never accepted an invitation to his house.

After watching Season 1, Eddard was too honorable for his own good. In war you have to win. You can't be honorable if you're dead. He had no qualms about riding up on Arthur Dayne and the other two Kingsguard with 7 men, overwhelming them and letting his man stab them in the back after Arthur beat him fair and square. Nor about keeping Jon's parentage a secret. All that honorable shyt flew out the window. He knew Cersei was crazy but, made bad decision after bad decision. And because of his naivete, he lost his head. Sansa was tortured by that crazy little shyt, then tortured by someone even crazier. Arya ended up an orphan. Robb died fighting a war he wasn't ready for. Catelyn got killed. Rickon got killed. All of his closest soldiers got killed. And Bran basically isn't Bran anymore. He fukked up like three times. The moment Robert and him disagreed the first time, he should've put himself and his family on a ship back to The North. Who gives a fukk if Robert's kids aren't his and the Lannisters are evil. fukk em. Not your problem. Joffrey would've still ended up marrying Margery once Sansa was gone and the Tyrells would've killed him the same way. Problem solved. If he WAS going to stay in KL, then he should've been smarter. Because Ned fukked up a second time by warning Cersei when he should've gone right to Robert, he should have had everyone in the room when Robert made him Regent, he should have been getting the Gold Cloaks, Littlefinger and Varys on his side from the very beginning, he should have fired off them Ravens all across the realm once he found out about Joffrey, he should have had others listening while he was talking to Cersei and she implicated herself. So many things he could have done better :snoop:

I like your passion, lets begin.

First off, lets keep it real. Robb saw a hot chick and wanted to smash, he didn't want to rob her of her honor, so he married her to get goods. Then, he turned around and tried to have discussions with Frey about coming to a new arrangement at the same time not expecting the Greyjoys to sack the North nor the Boltons to turn on him (which im less forgiving about because he should have known that Boltons have revolted several times and couldn't be trusted with any middle management position without checks and balances, but they were the second largest house in the North, so they would be hard to check anyway). Plus, His Mother gave up Jaime Lannister for nothing. So he had a lot of things he had to contend with, when all he wanted to do was hack and slash his way to Kings Landing. You say he should have been focused on the war, but if you can use your King of the North title to get a Kendall Jenner or a Simone Missick, you would have.

And with Ned, he knew the Lannisters were no good, but he thought he could use Littlefinger's loyalty to his wife (which is the weirdest thing about the whole show:weirdo:) as way to get an ally, plus, he had no idea Varys was pressed to put a Targarean on the throne. And he never intended to fight Dayne at the Tower of joy, that was supposed to be a peacekeeping mission to iron out loose ends. But Dayne wanted the smoke, so he had to do what he had to do:bustback:

and you forget when Jaime confronted Ned outside Littlefinger's brothel, they was trying to leave Kings Landing, he was just real slow about it. But after he got hurt and Robert asked him to stay. He had no choice but to help the friend that he grew up with under Jon Arryn. With Jon Arryn dead, Ned and Robert were the only family each other had. Brandon was dead, Lyanna was dead, Stannis was banished to Dragonstone for letting the Targarean kids escape, Renly didn't really want no smoke, Benjen was at the Wall. The arrangement with the Lannisters was a double edge sword, plus he knew Robert would kill those kids if he found out that they weren't his, that is why he didn't break his neck to tell him. oh, and Gold Cloaks = City watch, who was financed by Littlefinger. Ned tried to get the Gold Cloaks but he had no idea how evil Cersi was and once again for whatever reason, he thought he could leverage Littlefinger wanting to f his wife into something :weirdo:
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May 1, 2012
I like your passion, lets begin.

First off, lets keep it real. Robb saw a hot chick and wanted to smash, he didn't want to rob her of her honor, so he married her to get goods. Then, he turned around and tried to have discussions with Frey about coming to a new arrangement at the same time not expecting the Greyjoys to sack the North nor the Boltons to turn on him (which im less forgiving about because he should have known that Boltons have revolted several times and couldn't be trusted with any middle management position without checks and balances, but they were the second largest house in the North, so they would be hard to check anyway). Plus, His Mother gave up Jaime Lannister for nothing. So he had a lot of things he had to contend with, when all he wanted to do was hack and slash his way to Kings Landing. You say he should have been focused on the war, but if you can use your King of the North title to get a Kendall Jenner or a Simone Missick, you would have.

And with Ned, he knew the Lannisters were no good, but he thought he could use Littlefinger's loyalty to his wife (which is the weirdest thing about the whole show:weirdo:) as way to get an ally, plus, he had no idea Varys was pressed to put a Targarean on the throne. And he never intended to fight Dayne at the Tower of joy, that was supposed to be a peacekeeping mission to iron out loose ends. But Dayne wanted the smoke, so he had to do what he had to do:bustback:

and you forget when Jaime confronted Ned outside Littlefinger's brothel, they was trying to leave Kings Landing, he was just real slow about it. But after he got hurt and Robert asked him to stay. He had no choice but to help the friend that he grew up with under Jon Arryn. With Jon Arryn dead, Ned and Robert were the only family each other had. Brandon was dead, Lyanna was dead, Stannis was banished to Dragonstone for letting the Targarean kids escape, Renly didn't really want no smoke, Benjen was at the Wall. The arrangement with the Lannisters was a double edge sword, plus he knew Robert would kill those kids if he found out that they weren't his, that is why he didn't break his neck to tell him. oh, and Gold Cloaks = City watch, who was financed by Littlefinger. Ned tried to get the Gold Cloaks but he had no idea how evil Cersi was and once again for whatever reason, he thought he could leverage Littlefinger wanting to f his wife into something :weirdo:

Nah Ned was going to get his sister. Ned, along with everyone else thought she was kidnapped. Even though Rhaegar was dead, Ned still knew the Kingsguard wouldn't just step aside, especially not the Lord Commander and Arthur Dayne of all KG.


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
Nah Ned was going to get his sister. Ned, along with everyone else thought she was kidnapped. Even though Rhaegar was dead, Ned still knew the Kingsguard wouldn't just step aside, especially not the Lord Commander and Arthur Dayne of all KG.
You nitpicking, I didn't disagree with none of that