at Theon when dude was kicked him in the balls but Theon finally have said positive about his no dikk like

"Yeah, I don't have a cock"

Jon could have lied to Cersei, for the love of god he's no leader. He's for combat and muscle only. He doesn't have the intellect to run a Tavern on the outskirts of Winterfell, much less the entire North. He's such a simple person and a simple character. He lacks the nuance and dimension that much more defined characters have had. It's a shame he's the "star" of this story. His forgiveness of Theon, while a nice flower sentiment, made me roll my eyes. After all he did?

I knew Cersei was going to screw them over. Cersei's reaction was exactly what I expected. She is many things, credit where it is due, she's made of steel and Lena Headey is the best actress on this show. If Cersei can't rule then nobody can and that Jon and Dany haven't realized that then neither one will be a successful ruler long term. I thought she's gonna to kill his brother, Jamie.
So we finally hear it said that Jon is not a b*stard. No surprise there but

another incest sex...Dany is Jon's aunt. Have sex with your aunt brehs

At least, Jorah didn't see Jon go into Dany's room. His heart would have instantly shattered into pieces.
this episode made it clear that Sansa and Arya's fighting last week was sincere. Sansa didn't catch on to Littlefinger's manipulation until the end of their first scene tonight-when he made the absurd insinuation that Arya wants to be Lady of Winterfell. That's what snapped Sansa out of it. He doesn't know Arya and he miscalculated. Kind of love that this was his downfall....fukk that Littlefinger

.... killed by his own knife by Ayra

....Stark gotta stick together...their father, Ned would be proud
Night King ride on Ice Viseron

. Next season Drogon and Rhaegal vs. Viserion is going to be mindblowing.