Trial by combat, who you picking to be your champion?

(add Tormund in there just for fun)
Tale of the tape
+1-0 in trial by combats - defeated the captain of the guards, a knight
+Fought the Battle of Blackwater against Baratheon soldiers, no injuries
+Fought the Battle of the Green Fork against Stark soldiers, no injuries
+Fought wildlings beyond the wall
+Quick and agile
+Has fought a wide variety of opponents
+Will kill anyone for the right price
-Got injured fighting the Sand Snakes
-Wants a good girl, but needs a bad p*ssy
-Could be paid to throw the fight
-Depending on who is paying him, could be working with shytty armor and weapons
+Won a tournament against Renly's best fighters, including distinguished swordsman Loras
+Defeated The Hound in one on one battle*
+Defeated Jaime in one on one battle*
+Has a Valyrian steel sword, Oathkeeper
+Fought a bear and lived to talk about it
+Has fought and won multiple handicap fights vs Northern and Vale men
+Strong and resilient
-Her best wins were not clean*
-The Hound was sick and injured
-Jaimie was chained, and malnourished
-Stubborn and "honorable" to a fault
-Rigid fighter, lumbering, not particularly clever
The Mountain
+The crown's official champion - the undisputed boogyman of Westeros
+Wears heavy plated armor that is near impossible to penetrate
+In Bronn's words "freakish big and freakish strong. And quicker than you expect from a man that size."
+Strong enough to cut a horse's head off in one swing of his longsword
+Strong enough to smash a skull like a grape with just his hands
+Doesn't give a fukk
+Might be resistant to pain as a zombie now
-Susceptible to quick skilled fighters like The Red Viper
-Susceptible to losing his temper and focus
-Grows tired if you can get past the first round
-Has never been in a real fight as a zombie
+Trained by Essosi fighters since the age of 12 to fight to the death
+Undefeated in pit fights (if defeated means dying) - winning so much coin that he won his freedom
+Known to work with a variety of weapons, from throwing daggers with precise accuracy to beheadings with a single blow of his arakh
+Won Champion vs Champion fight against Mereen's best fighter
+Rose to become the leader of a well respected mercenary company
+Diverse fighter, having trained with pit fighters, sellswords, Westerosi knights, Dothraki fighters, and Unsullied soldiers
-Slight of build, finesse fighter
-Treacherous, would sell you out for p*ssy
-Cocky and willing to show off even in the middle of battle, hubris could get him killed vs smarter fighters
-Most of his feats and background are based on his own accounts, could be lying about some or all of it