May 7, 2012
why is Sir simp locked up?... is he a science experiment to try and get that rash cleared up or what?...

Essentially, yes. As the Arch Maester told Sam, the Maesters are the world's memory, so they're always trying to make sense of the world. Health and medicine is just one area of focus.

Stannis was vague in explaining how he had it cured, but it was probably by some healer willing to cross the line further than the traditional Maesters would. A Clyburn type figure. Seems crazy that a high born was cured and Maesters didn't try to figure out how he did it. But in our glimpse of the Citadel, they look like a bunch of old men stuck in their ways.

Lord Beasley

Aug 2, 2012
469 x 972 x 702
#lannisterset where yal at? :dwillhuh:
Yeah where y'all at tho

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Seeing Stannis' banner get bushed was the highlight of this episode for me. :wow:
Yea...on the way to take Arya to her uncle's wedding, he robbed them. Basically was like they gonna be dead anyway pretty soon so we might as well take their silver :yeshrug:
he was right:yeshrug:
Cersei done fukked everything up. "tommen betrayed us" bytch you blew up his fukking wife :gucci:
even had jaime :dwillhuh:
I was :dead: at how fast bran has aged. he about 6'2 now laying in that sled getting pulled through all that snow
couple more miles and meera woulda made that motherfvcker crawl :damn:


May 3, 2012
nikka...Jon is the reason Jon is King.

Aint nobody elect Sansa Stark for anything :mjlol:

Jon killed a White Walker, Jon came back from the dead, Jon killed Karl Tanner, Jon killed a Thenn, Jon saved the Wildings from the Night's King, Jon killed Ramsey and took back Winterfell. Jon is basically Ultimate Warrior status in the North. You hear how bad Lyanna came at Sansa's throat last year. Are you a Bolton? or still a Lannister? or are you both, we can't remember anymore :russ: Sansa don't got the juice. Nobody wants her :stopitslime:
Let em know. When you start listing feets it aint even a competition. Sansa been used and abused throughout the show and just b/c she has the last name Stark she think she can tell Jon who's pretty much stuck his neck out and gave his life for a family that didnt even want him. Meanwhile this bird brain is still emotionally scarred from being abused by Ramsey and Cersei. You're not mentally equipped to call shots or question the King of The North
May 7, 2012
It took me a minute to realize those 2 skeletons were the fam that Hound stole from and said they'd be dead soon :ohhh:

Yea, the Hound reasoned they'd be dead because he was weak and couldn't protect himself. But since they actually ended up starving to death, maybe they'd still be living and have stew to offer the Brotherhood had the Hound not stole his silver.

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Let em know. When you start listing feets it aint even a competition. Sansa been used and abused throughout the show and just b/c she has the last name Stark she think she can tell Jon who's pretty much stuck his neck out and gave his life for a family that didnt even want him. Meanwhile this bird brain is still emotionally scarred from being abused by Ramsey and Cersei. You're not mentally equipped to call shots or question the King of The North
she's most likely the most experienced off of learning from cersei:wtf: same with from that creep little finger
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Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
Yea, the Hound reasoned they'd be dead because he was weak and couldn't protect himself. But since they actually ended up starving to death, maybe they'd still be living and have stew to offer the Brotherhood had the Hound not stole his silver.

:russ: He shoulda hunted.
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Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Them dudes in the forest ain't do shyt to you but offer you food Arya:whoa:

Don't fall to the dark side just yet :mjcry:

#StarkSet needs everybody at their best for The War :lupe:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
What did I tell nikkas, and she ain't even grown yet :blessed:

Got a feeling she gonna do something nasty to Ed Sheeran and them, dude was giving her the rape eyes. Arya must tread very carefully tho, they want us to think those were rape eyes but I got a funny feeling boy might be the man with many faces. That beef at Braavos hasn't been settled, especially since no matter how much we loved it she ain't supposed to be using what she learned for personal revenge like she has. Low-key don't even realize she putting them on to her whereabouts. Got a long way to go young lady, want her to at least reach 18 but she in them Westeros Streets

This nikka Euron rocking Westerosi Balmain :what:

:pachaha: at how he kept sonning Jamie tho. Also low key sized up Mutant Mountain but realized he ain't want those problems. Got a feeling he'll try something stupid and ultimately get dealt with by M&M anyways.

Got some damn nerve with that Sam shyt montage, right while I was bussing back chicken tenders too :scust:. But it's good to see Sam helping the plot and lore move along. Sir Sidehug also ain't shyt for reaching out to him like that knowing he got that greyscale, but it also shows that he's slowly turning feral like those things he fought and wanting to spread it by touch.

Crazy Fan Theory #1: There's got to be something to this whole greyscale thing :patrice:. They've been slowly and discretely putting significance on it over the years and seasons and there's got to be a reason Sir Tripletext of all characters caught it. Why do i got the feeling that aside from being of Targearyan blood that greyscale may be the only thing that can make you immune to being melted from dragons fire. Also vice versa with dragons possibly being not affected by greyscale. And that's the trade-off, become fireproof but essentially lose who you are.

Jon and Sansa were both technically right but Jon obviously even more so as it should be. Also I'm feeling Jon's new voice, that boy was sounding like a king forreal :steviej:. Also Sansa needs to chill out and move better out here, don't undermine Jon and especially don't be so rude with Littlefinger yet. I get that she done been through some shyt and wants revenge plus the instant gratification but she needs to realize that Baelish is a mothafukka you need to play the long game with, the LOOOOOOONG game. Yes he wants to smash and yes we know he's sneaky but don't get it fukked up and underestimate his ultimate quest for power.

Crazy Fan Theory #2: Speaking of Jon's voice something seems different about him since he's been brought back. There is something to this whole Lord of the light and looking into the fire shyt. The banner men and the red woman serve the same god. Seems you have to bring someone back with the quickness before the body rots. Bet you there's a connection between someone trying to revive somebody who rotted too much and the birth of the White Walkers way back when and fire turned into ice. Between the dragons and the fire, the White Walkers and ice, and the little forrest things that helped Bran it feels like there is something with the elements surrounding this whole story.

Go head queen, we see you finally touching down on your birth right, Daenirys was skipping steps and everything, fukk the haters #shallwebegin :obama:. That whole scene was ill I don't care what anyone says. I like how nobody was exhausted from all those steps tho :beli:

Also the little things are appreciated so much like Grey Worm not knowing to let Khalisse have that moment and still wanting to be by her side to protect her. That subtle foreshadowing :wow:

I can't wait until the top goons of the other armies eventually step to Grey Worm like who this lil nikka fighting for this dragon bytch :jawalrus: then...






Shot is going to be beautiful brehs I don't think y'all understand. nikkas been waiting seasons for this :mjcry::banderas:

It's going to be interesting seeing how Jon Daenirys go about taking the thrones. Daenirys has been fighting for this her whole life, has the purer blood, and in control of the dragons. But Jon is a male and him already being king of the north plus becoming king of the iron throne might literally unite the 7 kingdoms all across the board than them feeling like a Targearyan is just doing a hostile takeover, especially since the last one went mad and tried to burn everyone. This is where politics come in.

Can't wait until Jon inevitably heads to Dragonstone to make a plea for the dragon glass and Dany got Drogo out thinking Jon gonna be shook but Drogo puts his head down to be petted by Jon :jawalrus:

Crazy Fan Theory # 3: Drogo ain't the size I need him/would like him to be and why do I get the feeling there is a giant ass dragon possibly guarding that mound of dragon glass:francis:. I've never read the books but I remember seeing someone say before that one of the former Targearyan kings had a dragon that was like the size of buildings and whole battlefields. Something had to produce that dragon glass in the first place and maintain it/possibly produce more of it. Feel like that might slick be the reason no one ever went to look for that shyt. Of course only a handful would know anyways and most likely old or died off.

Sir Sidehug should be his new name! I'm stealing that :russ: