R.E.N. Spells Ren
Oberyn crippled Willas Tyrell, Loras' older brother and Mace's heir, in a joust
But Dorne is unliked by most of the kingdom for being stubborn, poor, hot as hell, and unorthodox. It's like the Sicily of Westeros
And you're right about the Ironborn. A lot of people think they're not even First Men descended, and they're definitely not Andals, so they feel no connection to them even from the Dawn Age. But they're terrorized the Reach more than anyone, so Theon and Yara/Asha aligning with House Tyrell is just as unlikely as Euron and Cersei. War brings strange bedfellows
Indeed. I hear y'all. I guess that Tyrell/Yara collab feels more natural cuz they are teaming under Dany rather than linking up directly.

When Yara and Theon fled I said the most logical place for them go was Mereen cuz the Iron Born have no friends in Westeros, so it seems weird Euron would seek help from Cersei. But I guess it's not that weird. Regardless, I still hope they engage her at sea...we need a GOT naval battle

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