Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)

King Crimson

Member of a very exclusive gang
May 7, 2012
i haven't read the book, but from what i took from the show, i find her story quite interesting. it's about someone, who believes in destiney. she thinks that she is destined to conquer a kingdom and rule. she never questions if she is qualified to rule or be a military leader. she had no clue whatsoever what it takes to be a queen or how do be one and what it means to rule. and now she is finding out. if she knew what she was doing, she would have collected her army of unsullied, marched towards westeros, and smashed the opposition with her dragons and her soldiers. instead, she get's distracted. she conquers city after city without a stategy. on top of that, she conquered these cities, but she doesn't know what it means to rule them. now she is finding out the hard way. she has to take very hard decisions, doesn't know if she can trust her advisors, needs to make compromises that go against her convictions and isn't really ready to do that. she wants to be a benevolent ruler and learns that politics are a dirty game and power forces you to compromise your believes. her story is not about whether or not she makes it to westeros and wins the war. it's about if she grows into a queen and capable ruler or not. if she doesn't, it doesn't matter if she wins the war, because she wouldn't survive in kings landing for longer than joffrey or ned stark did.
In all honesty, when you put it like that, I can see the merit in it. I still don't find her all that interesting. I find the people around her more interesting. Daario seems like a cool character. Even SIMP lord Jorah has his cool moments. He actually seems like a goon with the sword. :ehh: