Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
The hackers are fukking up the game. HBO's next move will be interesting.

Game of Thrones’ Season 5 Episodes Leak to Piracy Sites Ahead of HBO Premiere

APRIL 12, 2015 | 04:28AM PT
Torrent downloads of unaired episodes top 500,000 in less than 12 hours
Todd Spangler
NY Digital Editor@xpangler
The first four episodes of “Game of Thrones” season five cropped up on on piracy networks late Saturday — nearly a full day before HBO’s scheduled April 12 premiere of the popular fantasy series.

The episodes appeared on torrent sites sometime between 9 and 10 p.m. ET Saturday. Through 7 a.m. Sunday, the leaked “Game of Thrones” eps had been downloaded by more than 550,000 individual clients worldwide, according to piracy-tracking firm Excipio — and by 9 a.m., the figure was up to 778,985. The pirated “GoT” episodes are legitimate copies, Excipio said; the source of the leak is unclear at this point but some outlets have speculated that it came from a press screener.

“Game of Thrones” has long been catnip for illicit downloaders. The HBO original series clocked in as 2014’s most-pirated TV show, with more than 48 million episodes snagged by pirates via file-sharing torrent services, and the season four finale hit record levels of downloads within 24 hours of air.

The “Thrones” leak comes as the Time Warner-owned premium cable network has launched HBO Now: a broadband-only service that doesn’t require a pay-TV subscription for $15 monthly, designed to put HBO on the same footing as Netflix. HBO Now is available through Apple and Cablevision — but only in the U.S.

Studies indicate that piracy, especially pre-release piracy, has a depressing effect on revenue. But there’s also a feeling among some media execs that piracy can be promotional: Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes in 2013 famously remarked that piracy of “Game of Thrones” was “better than an Emmy” as far as generating buzz.


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012

@Jax this thread has already gone off the rails
You nikkas can't wait for episode one to come out to start derailing the thread,not happening this season too.

One troll already gone for 7 days, please refrain yourselves. I will not have this thread polluted for da gawd @obarth to not show up :scust:


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012
Watching them early is just gonna fukk this thread up. This is about to be the wackest GoT season thread. Everyone knew what was up on the weekends and that made for great discussion, now this thread is just gonna be filled with spoiler tags and nikkas bytching about what shouldn't be discussed. See y'all nikkas in 6 weeks.. i think :guilty:
No it won't :shaq:
TEMPORARILY spoiler tags are banned from this thread. Key word: temporarily.
Will make people think before posting.
Last edited:


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
1 Day from the season 5 premiere

Yall know what time it is! :youngsabo:

Time for the OFFICIAL Week 1 Power Rankings
**please note that I said don't come in here trying to argue because you can't argue with official:ufdup:

Without further adieu...

10. False King, Incestuous b*stard Tommen Baratheon
--Only made the list because he about to get up in some Margaery guts free of charge. This spot would belong to Grey Worm if he had the balls to act on Missandei's advances:noah:

9. Drogon the Black Dragon
---Slow down with that kid roasting and goat gulping bruh:whoa: now you know that #Starkset don't fukk with #Targset but we have no beef with you, Mr. Dragon. We aint have nothing to do with your ancestors dying out, blame your own masters for the majority of that

8. Jon Snow
--Fresh off a heroic, very Stark-like victory against the Wildlings, #Starkset born and raised b*stard Jon Snow is prime to make big moves for #Starkset this year. Clearly a member of #Starkset, Jon could rise quickly depending on what happens now that the Wildlings are in the building.

7. Princess Shireen Baratheon
--I swear to god this red bytch Melisandre better leave Shireen alone:pacspit:

6. The Direwolves
--Don't think that #Starkset forgot about Lady and Grey Wind:ufdup:. Walder Frey and Cersei we comin for you:ufdup:

5. Sansa Stark
--Basically is the uncrowned Queen of the Vale, and she has her little fingered King wrapped around that p*ssy so hard he might squeeze out an ovary:cape:. A pure born #Starksetter who has finally ditched her horrible Tully traits left in her blood by Catelyn Tully

4. Margaery Tyrell
--She's got a little kid king ready to do whatever it takes to please her. He might give her 30 seconds, but she's poised to give the realm 30 years of Tyrell shadow-control

3. Arya Stark

--A ruthless killer who has ditched the dead weight holding her back from her true potential. Onto Braavos, hopefully she doesn't get stuck learning that sissy Braavos sword style made famous by not-top-10 fighter Syrio Forel :flabbynsick:

2. King Stannis Baratheon
--A loyal army fighting on his side? Check. A highly skilled sellsword army accomanying him? Check. A red witch that gives birth to shadows? Check. The Iron Bank of Braavos bankrolling him? Check. The true and rightful king by all laws of gods and men? Check. A strategic position at the wall where he can defend the kingdom from the true threats north of the Wall? Check. This man is a hero to Westeros. Only a man of northern blood can recognize just how much of a hero he is. You southern fukks aint got a clue, too busy eating pease porrige and turnips and obsessing over a lame duck throne:scusthov:

1. Rickon Stark
--The greatest human being still alive south of the Wall (probably). Very likely a future Warden of the North and a perfect match for the beautiful Princess Shireen. A love story in the making. Can we get some screen time please, HBO? :dahell:

The GOAT Bran Stark

--Confirmed to not be appearing this season so he is currently not eligible for ranking. His permanent #1 spot will likely return in one year with an army of magical Children and a 3 Eyed Crow waiting in the wings
When are you gonna do the rankings for the majors, breh?:lupe: Thanks for the Little League rankings, doe:obama: