Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)

Lost His Smile

Stop Existing.
Feb 25, 2014
The 12th Dimension
:mjcry: I dont know why Im watching Shireen's scene again while stoned about to get really emotional right now.

RIP Shireen.

Last edited:
May 7, 2012
blame ramsey
his fukking commando squad pushed stannis over the edge

dont underestimate the boltons :demonic:

fukk all that, I blame Stannis and ONLY Stannis.

He's a hoe and been a hoe, and outside of Littlefinger, I put all this bullshyt on him.

He knew about Cersei's b*stards, yet ran like a hoe instead of confronting the problem head on....ends up getting Ned killed.

He forsakes his Gods, burns his loyal bannermen, yet half steps in Blackwater leaving his new God behind...ends up getting Daavos' son killed.

Instead of waiting #StarkSet representer Jon Snow to return with the wildlings, he charges ahead leaving his men cold, hungry, trapped in the #Nawf....ends up getting his daughter killed.

Can't believe nikkas was giving him father of the year trophies off of one convo. It's like y'all forgot he had her locked up in a castle at Dragonstone only visiting every other month. Only reason he took her out was cuz Melle Mel COMMANDED him to...and now you see why. :sas2:

ya'll keep asking about this shyt and its google seconds away damn!! here you go...

:comeon: you know it ain't safe to Google game of thrones info like that. Good look on the info tho :ehh:

:deadrose:@honarable ass

:dead:@stannisset deserters

:deadmanny:@stannis stans delusion of grandeur trying to reason buring his daughter

SSWGKTA I would invite yall to hop on the stark bandwagon but I don't think Ned's honorable ass would respect that

Nah, they're long as they take the black. :smugbiden:

#StarkSet #WolfGang
May 7, 2012
Oh and I'm with @Front 2 Back , the TargSet scene was underwhelming. I'm not bothered by the CGI, the whole choreography and direction seemed off. I mean, it wasn't no Dornish Doo Do, but it wasn't Hardhome either.

Major W for Khaleesi, riding the dragon. Not only from the power standpoint, but, as they pointed out in the "Inside the Episode" she's now got Tyrion fully believing.

My question is, where the fukk are the second sons? We've already established the Unsullied are :flabbynsick: in close quarters, shouldn't the second sons be her queens guard?

And Ary was wack this episode...Can't believe we wasted so much time watching her follow Meryn Trant NOT to get the kill :snoop:


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
no.. y'all have to worry about white walkers... we're in mareen... are we forgetting dragons can fly and there's no big ass air defense weapons around.... we can literally let them kill you all, and fly high above them all and wipe them out

a plot device.... fukk outta here... it's a tv show/book.. the whole damn plot is a plot device

people just mad we picked the right person from jump... while every was busy thinking hollywood... bb-b-b-b-but the starks the main characters, they gotta win right.....

NOBODY was thinking dany was gonna from where she was to where she is now... like someone else said... if the starks or any other house had her come up, y'all would be saying the EXACT same shyt

we have the best weapons against humans AND the white walkers right now... and until someone creates a surface to air missile of some sort, we will continue to have the best chances

don't be mad you didn't see this ahead of time.. you put your money on the wrong horses... talking about plot device... if by now you can't see that being on team targ or team nights watch are the two best places to be in terms of how this is gonna pan out... i don't know what to tell you

but as someone who has only seen the show and read/spoiled non of the books.... i can see who the two heroes and squads will be... with stark pulling up in third with bran's vision of being inside a dragon as well

You dingus...I read all 5 books, I knew exactly what was gonna happen :snoop:

You acting like you ain't a part of Westeros yet you want to rule here :dahell: Stay your azz over in Meereen then :dahell: When the White Walkers demolish the whole kingdom there won't be anyone left for Dany to rule being real shortsighted.


And you skipped right past Rhaenys Targaryen. Let me make that clearer for you. She had a dragon. She and her dragon went to Dorne. Dorne sent Rhaenys and her dragon back home dead :umad: they didn't, the bodies were never discovered :umad: don't get too cocky :ufdup:


May 16, 2015
I'm getting more than a little tired of the repeated bullshyt argument that Stannis shoulda come forward with the truth about Cersei's kids. :comeon:

First of all, da fuq you think Bobby B woulda done if Stannis had said anything openly? His fat ass woulda said Stannis was just jelly and might have asked to bust out the warhammer one last time to smash his bro's head like a melon.

When Stannis saw Jon Arryn (who investigated with him about the "strong seed") get sick and die, he was OUT, to go somewhere he could lay back and strike when the time was right. :ufdup:

As for Onion Knight's son Mathos, well, a nikka got much love for the Onion Knight but DAVOS was the one who convinced Stannis to leave the Red Bytch on Dragonstone. And if she woulda been on one of those ships, things coulda gone another way.

Staying at Castle Black and eating all the Watch's food? Hell naw. You heard what the Man said, needed to beat the weather and not lose momentum.

He's not gonna stop. Stay second guessing him. #dgaf



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I'm :what: at "the CGI looked bad"....compared to what, the 5 people you seen flying dragons to work this morning? shyt was cool. It wasn't the best ever but 10 years ago if you would've told me a TV show would exist with this budget and production value, and that people would complain about it's CGI, I would've laughed in your face.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
no.. y'all have to worry about white walkers... we're in mareen... are we forgetting dragons can fly and there's no big ass air defense weapons around.... we can literally let them kill you all, and fly high above them all and wipe them out

a plot device.... fukk outta here... it's a tv show/book.. the whole damn plot is a plot device

people just mad we picked the right person from jump... while every was busy thinking hollywood... bb-b-b-b-but the starks the main characters, they gotta win right.....

NOBODY was thinking dany was gonna from where she was to where she is now... like someone else said... if the starks or any other house had her come up, y'all would be saying the EXACT same shyt

we have the best weapons against humans AND the white walkers right now... and until someone creates a surface to air missile of some sort, we will continue to have the best chances

don't be mad you didn't see this ahead of time.. you put your money on the wrong horses... talking about plot device... if by now you can't see that being on team targ or team nights watch are the two best places to be in terms of how this is gonna pan out... i don't know what to tell you

but as someone who has only seen the show and read/spoiled non of the books.... i can see who the two heroes and squads will be... with stark pulling up in third with bran's vision of being inside a dragon as well


I think it's hilarious how you tried to shoehorn Dany into a top spot solely because she got dragons.

As far as who is important in the grand scheme of things, it's the Stark kids. Bran specifically. He is head and shoulders above any and everything else, because the gods have actively tried to contact him. Send him visions, send him on quests, etc. Dude is the Neo of "GOT" and you cats are in here arguing over who got dragons. :dahell:

And then on top of that he don't even need Dany to control her dragons.

Now, if we're talking about who will be important eventually, Dany and her dragons have their place but they're just weapons....and right now she don't even have them pointed in the right direction.

May 7, 2012
I'm getting more than a little tired of the repeated bullshyt argument that Stannis shoulda come forward with the truth about Cersei's kids. :comeon:

First of all, da fuq you think Bobby B woulda done if Stannis had said anything openly? His fat ass woulda said Stannis was just jelly and might have asked to bust out the warhammer one last time to smash his bro's head like a melon.

When Stannis saw Jon Arryn (who investigated with him about the "strong seed") get sick and die, he was OUT, to go somewhere he could lay back and strike when the time was right. :ufdup:

As for Onion Knight's son Mathos, well, a nikka got much love for the Onion Knight but DAVOS was the one who convinced Stannis to leave the Red Bytch on Dragonstone. And if she woulda been on one of those ships, things coulda gone another way.

Staying at Castle Black and eating all the Watch's food? Hell naw. You heard what the Man said, needed to beat the weather and not lose momentum.

He's not gonna stop. Stay second guessing him. #dgaf


Next time quote me :pacspit:

We're left to speculate what Robert would've done because hoe ass Stannis was either too scared or too butthurt to do his duty.

And you missed my point about the Onion Knight's son. He shouldn't have burned his bannermen (an act Davos also tried to convince him not to do) if he wasn't fully committed to going down that path. His halfstepping like a hoe got that boy and thousands more killed in vain.

Clearly they didn't beat the weather, which is why he felt the need to burn his only child. :scust:

Take the Black you heathen, bring some semblance of honor to your house.

dem bath salts

To be reckoned with
Jun 11, 2012
#targset acting all high and mighty but dont forget your leader had her brother killed after letting Kal Drogo fukk her long dikk style :usure:

all sets had to do awful things dont let me put yall on the Westeros Screen:ufdup:
Fycj outta here he assaulted her and tried to steal her eggs. Kill innocent daughters brehs