Official Game of Thrones Season 5 Thread (No books/leaks spoilers; spoiler tags not allowed)


The North Remembers
May 2, 2012
Poor Shireen :sadcam:

Just for the record #TheonSet is very anti-burning-your-heir-and-only-living-child-alive


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
bravos is a free city and not apart of the 7 kingdoms

so for the third time... which HOUSE could beat them RIGHT NOW :francis:

Yall keep going on with this house vs. house shyt...

The White Walkers don't care about your House :scust: Dany has three dragons. She needs two more riders. Unless you can wake Rhaegar and Viserys from the dead, you gonna have to put your petty differences aside :manny: talking tough like Dany wasn't a convenient plot device away from getting stabbed up. How you can watch this show and think its inconceivable that anybody can get got is beyond me :skip: Let's recall what happened to Rhaenys Targaryen and her dragon in Dorne. She fell about a good 3,000 feet to her death :skip:


/ SOHH /
May 8, 2012
Golden State
Just re-watched the last Shireen scene and it seems like they're setting up the Stanimal to pay for not listening to Shireen's advice. He's kinda similar to Khaleesi in the sense he has the utmost resolve to get that throne, but he doesn't manage the input of his advisors well.

She was on her child prodigy shyt spitting that Dance of Dragons history like a mini-maester and when pressed with a blunt Stannis thought process question of "which side do you choose", she went left-field and choose none citing the end result of a war torn family and Westeros wasn't worth it. Of course, he had his blinders on, so he just glossed over her answer, made it about his choices and how to make himself feel better about throwing her in the bushes.

Even if Stannis gets that throne, he'll be stretched thin and get sandwiched by that up top North swarm and the beast in the Middle East press flying over.

edit: Also, that child actor who played Shireen needs to get dapped up. When Stannis was looking shaky at the end speech, she puffed up her chest and hit him with the "I am Shireen, Princess of House Baratheon, and I will help you in anyway" in the bravest way a little girl could. :mjcry:
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ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
every set has a piece of shyt in it right now. the only set still strong is the black and they looking like traitors to the snowman right now. might as well let the walkers win, theirs like 3 honorable people in westeros left: snowman, ser jorah brienne and the stark kids(i forgot davos)... everyone else on this show is poretty much a piece of garbage cept maybe tyrion

that thot khaleesi does not know what shes doing
stannis just made himself look like a weakling. dude has no backbone anymore
littlefinger is a coniving lil weasel who will get got by the end of the show
lannisters are L after L after L
boltons about to catch the wrath of the lords of light tho that lord of light is a piece of shyt too

real talk, the white walkers are better people then these fukks. they raise the dead, and turn incest babies into mini walkers... if it wasnt for snowman this show would be ass right now. nooen to root for
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Feb 17, 2014
East Bay
every set has a piece of shyt in it right now. the only set still strong is the black and they looking like traitors to the snowman right now. might as well let the walkers win, theirs like 3 honorable people in westeros left: snowman, ser jorah brienne and the stark kids... everyone else on this show is poretty much a piece of garbage cept maybe tyrion

that thot khaleesi does not know what shes doing
stannis just made himself look like a weakling. dude has no backbone anymore
littlefinger is a coniving lil weasel who will get got by the end of the show
lannisters are L after L after L
boltons about to catch the wrath of the lords of light tho that lord of light is a piece of shyt too

real talk, the white walkers are better people then these fukks. they raise the dead, and turn incest babies into mini walkers... if it wasnt for snowman this show would be ass right now. nooen to root for

Doran Martell is dope too breh

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Yall keep going on with this house vs. house shyt...

The White Walkers don't care about your House :scust: Dany has three dragons. She needs two more riders. Unless you can wake Rhaegar and Viserys from the dead, you gonna have to put your petty differences aside :manny: talking tough like Dany wasn't a convenient plot device away from getting stabbed up. How you can watch this show and think its inconceivable that anybody can get got is beyond me :skip: Let's recall what happened to Rhaenys Targaryen and her dragon in Dorne. She fell about a good 3,000 feet to her death :skip:
no.. y'all have to worry about white walkers... we're in mareen... are we forgetting dragons can fly and there's no big ass air defense weapons around.... we can literally let them kill you all, and fly high above them all and wipe them out

a plot device.... fukk outta here... it's a tv show/book.. the whole damn plot is a plot device

people just mad we picked the right person from jump... while every was busy thinking hollywood... bb-b-b-b-but the starks the main characters, they gotta win right.....

NOBODY was thinking dany was gonna from where she was to where she is now... like someone else said... if the starks or any other house had her come up, y'all would be saying the EXACT same shyt

we have the best weapons against humans AND the white walkers right now... and until someone creates a surface to air missile of some sort, we will continue to have the best chances

don't be mad you didn't see this ahead of time.. you put your money on the wrong horses... talking about plot device... if by now you can't see that being on team targ or team nights watch are the two best places to be in terms of how this is gonna pan out... i don't know what to tell you

but as someone who has only seen the show and read/spoiled non of the books.... i can see who the two heroes and squads will be... with stark pulling up in third with bran's vision of being inside a dragon as well