These smilies got me

going through this thread.
Good to see my girl Arya back and still determined as ever. Thieves thought they could run her for Needle, only to have her hit them with "Dead men have no need for things

". Ol faceless dude could have showed her some hospitality though when she showed up, I'll chalk it up to part of her training.
Bronn coming back was a welcome return and now he's about to tag-team with Jaimie on some rescue the princess mission. Looking forward to seeing the sand snakes.
Jon Snow on the come up

. Sam sonning that one old dude about hiding in the closet with the women and children

. The Knights Watch being going hard on the Wildlings though, every-time they said their name it had a real

vibe to it. Ol dude calling Jon a wilding-lover

At least Stannis' daughter Scaleface has some compassion. Got Onion Knight Hooked on Phonics and is about to do the same for Sam's girl. She knows S know
