The Twins are his liegemen any damn way and he's was lord paramount of the Trident without Robb Stark. I'm wondering why he even join the starks. They weren't offering him anything he didnt already have. Guess he did for family. But its fukk all things Tully, huh
Everyone knows damn well that Frey was only a Tully leigeman by title, not by practice. Frey's had a very checkered past with their flip flopping and frontrunning. He didn't get the nickname the Late Walder Frey for nothing.
Robb had to give that fakkit a queen daughter just to let them through his gates, even with his leige lords the Tully's by his side.
The reality is that Edmure had a lot to gain with a Frey marriage. True control over the Twins, not just some bitter lord waiting to stab him in the back.
Of course, that is exactly how it turned out, but Edmure didn't know that when he agreed to the marriage.
Let's not forget that he tried to play war general and ruined Robb's battle plans too.
. No
. One
. Give
. A
. fukk
. About
. A
. Tully