Bend those knees to Stannis of House Baratheon, First of His Name, The King in the Narrow Sea, Warrior of Light, The Lord's Chosen, and Son of Fire
#StannisSet pulling out a big W this week
Filled up the RushCard and we are ready to roll up to King's Landing again
Onion Knight the gawd, Pirates, new ships and troops, pocket full of gold, and The Red Womanwho's standing in our way
Here's a quick list off the top of my head:
- your army consists of superstitious peasants and illiterate thieves
- the people of westeros would rather be ruled by crazy ass Joff than you
- we still need to see the receipts concerning your claim,
Ned's casual observation
- Now you wanna walk around talking about wildfire? What you think we sold it all?
- your army is starving to death
- even if your claim is valid, the young gawd gendry has a better claim to the throne and you know this because you used his blood for your perverted hoodoo rituals
- your line would die with you almost guaranteeing another war (you can only father reptiles). Let the people breath.