lmao... breh I started watching this 3 weeks ago when my boy gave me his HBO Go password, I just caught up yesterday. I come into this thread and yall dead ass got set wars going on

I just wanted to be part of it too
#StarkSet closed its offices for filing membership paperwork weeks ago. But seeing as you are new.......you gonna have to catch a body for the set.
I'm sure #StannisSet will take you if you surrender to the Lord of Light and accept Stannis as the King by right
#LannisterSet is at an all time low so joining them would be honorable
#TeamLittlefinger aka #Byrdgang is the flavor of the month. Don't be a bandwagoner
#TargSet has the 2nd highest numbers here. You are probably gonna have to make a speech about dragons and bubble butts before they will take you
Before you choose a set though, I would advise catching up on your
HISTORY AND LORE OF WESTEROS so you can get a better idea of what these sets really represent. We all know from experience that watching the show can often be tough to follow with the amount of characters and storylines and locations and untold history.
Find 3 hours out of your day to really dig deep into Westeros. Watch these videos which were extras on the HBO Blu-Ray releases. They get into things that the show simply doesn't have time to explore: