"Love is the death of duty"
Roberts b*stard, can't think of his name. The blacksmith who used to chill wit Arya
They submitted the finale to the emmys for best writing so theyre really confident about this next episode.
but for real though. jon's sword game was lookin immaculate out there....movin wit the elegance of a prime pernell whitaker. he got overpowered but still managed to pull out the victory over a much stronger more experienced warrior. he's improving at an alarming rate. you know you a G when you go out on a suicide mission and leave your sword behind like that's some ordinary shyt to do. jon gonna be the only muthafukker in the westeros catchin straight up fades and shyt. seen him blossom from a confused boy to a fukkin boss....if only it was him leading the the north into battle instead of robb![]()
which reminds me... how do these houses make money??
i know the lannisters HAD the gold mines.. what about the other houses
how do the night's watch get paid to be going to brothels and buying food and weapons and clothes and shyt
The Baratheon family name came from a b*stard brother to Aegon the Conquerer, that is what you are referring to
But my connection still stands
Egg's 4th child was a girl named Rhaelle. Rhaelle married an unknown Baratheon male. Their first child was Steffon Baratheon, father to Robert Stannis and Renly
So Maester Aemon is just as closely related to Stannis as he is to Daenerys, but Daenerys is part of the royal line of succession while the Baratheon brothers are not
Now, you can stop reading here if you want because I'm about to get confusing, but let me drop some moreknowledge
Hundreds of years ago was the "Dance of Dragons" which was a civil war within the Targ dynasty regarding succession of the throne. The King had named his daughter heir, but because she was a woman her brother made a claim instead and started the war. I'm not gonna go into the details, but at the end of the war it was decided that male heirs would always take precedence over female heirs in the event of problem with the line of succession such as a branch in the family tree all dying out. This male preference included cousins. So now that Viserys was murdered by Khal Drogo, I could make an argument that since Dany is the only Targ left on the Mad King's branch and she is a female, that Robert Baratheon was the rightful heir to the throne even without having laid claim to it after his rebellion. I can further that argument and state that Stannis is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne both as an act of conquering by Robert and as part of the royal Targaryen bloodline even with Dany alive
EDIT: If you haven't read the books, do not search for a Targaryen family tree for help visualizing the confusion. Just a warning.
but for real though. jon's sword game was lookin immaculate out there....movin wit the elegance of a prime pernell whitaker. he got overpowered but still managed to pull out the victory over a much stronger more experienced warrior. he's improving at an alarming rate. you know you a G when you go out on a suicide mission and leave your sword behind like that's some ordinary shyt to do. jon gonna be the only muthafukker in the westeros catchin straight up fades and shyt. seen him blossom from a confused boy to a fukkin boss....if only it was him leading the the north into battle instead of robb![]()
You still think it's overrated or nah?on ep 5.... i'm definitely #starksetsnowgang, but wtf @ sansa. i want to slap the shyt out of her, she been passed from person to person and still is dumb enough tto trust people and think there's a happy ending waiting for her. really, trust baelish?
lets not overrate jon's sword game. wildlings aren't known for their skill as soldiers/weapons with a couple exceptions like tormund and ygritte. They were better than a majority of the NW but that's because a lot of the NW is made up murders and other scum types who had never picked up a sword or shot a bow before they got there.
Also Robb's war game didn't do him in, his politics game did.
Maester Aemon's brother was Aegon V Targaryen, aka Aegon the Unlikely, aka Egg
Aegon V's grandson was the Mad King, so like stated above, Maester Aemon is the Mad King's great uncle
Interestingly enough, the Baratheon brothers are Aegon V's great grandsons
So Maester Aemon is also the great uncle of Stannis, Renly, and Robert Baratheon
While the Marriage goof gets the majority of the spotlight. Him sending Theon off to treat with Balon was a big mistake. If he doesn't do that, Theon doesn't take Winterfell( wasn't in balons plans iirc). that was a major blow to The Northern Campaign. The reason he had to go back and make a deal with The Freys was because he had to go and retake Winterfell.yea word. watching jon snow fall in love with ygritte in like a month makes me sure same shyt would happen with him as what happened to robb. only difference between them is that jon being a b*stard, he wouldnt have gotten that marriage offer from frey.