Root for Dany for a decade only to find out she's Osama bin Targaryen

Was hoping she blew the bell up when they started ringing it.
Euron coming out the water to duel Jamie was awful, show would be better if they took him out completely along with the WW. No one asked you to come out the water at the last second, AGAIN, and for you to give Jamie non-fatal wounds.
Episode 3 didn't have enough "oh he/she's gonna die...wait we cut away at the last second" moments, so they put about 50 more in episode 5 for Arya alone.
Bran again serves no purpose. Probably spent the whole battle warging around watching people get raped "you looked beautiful that night"
I don't mind Cersei's death, Dany going crazy...but as usual show does a poor job of getting your from A to B.
If you watch that last epiosde on it's own, it's good and crazy to watch. But if you watch it and try to fit it in with the other 70+ epiosdes you've seen..well