It’s crazy how Dany risked her army and dragons to save the north and still gets no respect.
What else does she have to do to deserve their loyalty?
People actually acting like Sansa is right to not be trustful after Dany came north to save her and her people.
I’d be pissed if I were Dany. Ungrateful asses.
The writers are pushing the "Mad Queen" angle. But I agree with you. Dany will continue to have to prove herself a worthy ruler of Westeros in the eyes of the if she hasn't already. She's constantly having to lose more...and more...and more....even though the North won't truly accept her unless she deleniates control of The North to a stark, and let's them be their own independent nation. Sounds like a reasonable requests from the perspective of the Northsmen, but problem is other kingdoms of westeros will want to secede also. Chaos ensues.
Thing is, Dany has been pulled in every which way by her advisors for the good of each specific house(Lannister, Stark, Mormont) on her advisory board.
Tyrion loves his family still, he ask Dany to give them pardon. She does, and Cersei gets stronger and Jamie(who they should've taken hostage) rides back South to aid his sister. Lannisters get breathing room due to Dany's diplomacy.
Jon Snow ask Dany to be more understanding of where the North is coming from in regards to their weariness of her. She acquaiseces has a heart to heart with Sansa, and fights for the North. Loses almost all the Dothraki in the process and almost all of the unsullied. And even before the battle, loses a dragon on that suicide mission headed by Jon Snow. Dany will ultimately get the blame, while they all praise Jon, and Dany is seen as an incompetent Mad Queen.
Everyone anti-dany at this point might as well be saying
thanks for the help Mad Queen, now F off!!

That seems to be the angle everyone is going with. Especially Varys. He's all about protecting the realm and going against Dany to do so, as if "The Realm" hasn't been crap under his watch. They "Mad Queening" the hell out of Dany, as if Westeros wasn't already a craphole ruled by a mad queen. At this point, let Dany fly back East and let Cersei have Westeros. The damage has been done. Even if Dany cedes control of the North back to The Starks, everyone will know Jon has a rightful claim to the throne and folks will go to war to get Jon on the throne, even though he doesn't want the throne. There's absolutely nothing Dany can do at this point to not be viewed as "Crazy Dragon Lady" short of sacrificing her life for the realm. There's a pattern here if you peep it.
If plan goes right:
Hurray Starks!!! King of the North!!! Go Jon!!! Arya the Night King Slayer!!!
If plan goes South:
She's such a mad queen!! She's too impulsive!! She doesn't listen. What a horrible plan!!
Even if she were to deleniate power to the Starks in the North, I bet they'd still want Dany around to take down Cersei as some sort of Captain Marvel "In case of emergency" button.