OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


Mar 13, 2014
It’s bad writing on several fronts, that works against both Sansa and Daenerys.


Jon tells Sansa that she should trust Dany, but doesn’t fully explain why aka how she went beyond the wall to save them and losing Viseryion in the process. Explain how the dragons are her children and how significant that is for her.

Jon not fully explaining stuff makes him look dumb and as we learnt Sansa knowing that he’s in love with her is also a bigger problem than I thought it would be. I agree with you that Dany’s sacrifices are being downplayed tremendously and I think if she had taken the realm by force when she first landed and got rid of Cersei who’s arc has run its course would’ve made the pacing for last season and this season much better. Less to focus on.

Sansa not trusting Jon and revealing his lineage even though she knows he probably wouldn’t want the Throne raises a lot of questions also. If you include all the other times she’s undermined Jon idk what D&D’s end game is with her.


She lets Yara and Theon be independent when they meet her in Essos but her reluctance to grant the same to the North is dumbfounding. They could solve this by way of marriage but the show thinks that’s icky lmao. Just compare her this season to the end of s6 right before she sets of for Westeros..idk what D&D are doing here unless they’re obviously setting her up for a specific end game.

I concede that what’s happened has happened with this show, it’s too late. I’m disappointed but I’ve made peace with that. But man I thought the writers would be considering shyt they wrote themselves into these seasons. Disturbingly the way this season is playing out you’d think it’s different people at the helm.
It would be a little foolish for her to give up the North as well as the Iron Islands. It makes sense why she wants the North to pledge fealty, it’s the largest of the seven kingdoms. And after everything that’s happened, it makes sense why Sansa wants the North to remain independent. The marriage proposal makes sense but I think the show wants us to think of Dany as a loose cannon that can no longer be controlled.


Aug 18, 2014

:mjlol:Breh thinks he has traded and upgraded the dire wolf for a dragon. Wait until he arrives at kind landing on some so where is my boy?:blessed:and they all hit him with a :patrice:


All Star
May 25, 2012
They're skipping the time. Unless you WANT to watch them travel for 1000 miles.
The travelling was one of the best parts of the story in earlier seasons - was the biggest danger cause so much madness was happening on route from A to B.

I used to think before that the writers wanted to wrap this shyt up because they wanted to do other things. Still think this is a factor but I also think they knew in their heart of hearts that they didn’t have GRRM’s imagination to flesh out the writing for the things such as the travel scenes to keep the series interesting. Look at all the fukkery that happened on the roads in the earlier seasons - Tyrion kidnapped by Cat and taken to the Vale, Arya meeting Jaqen Hagar and then getting into it with Amory Lorch, beyond the wall fukkery with Jon and the wildlings, Jamie getting his hand chopped off by the Mummers....the travel fukkery was a character in its self. This was all GRRM plot lines though.

This jet pack shyt is so short sighted though - how can you be in open war but are able to get to your enemies turf from A to B with no drama? It’s like the whole of Westeros is in either Kings Landing or Winterfell :beli:


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
It’s crazy how Dany risked her army and dragons to save the north and still gets no respect.

What else does she have to do to deserve their loyalty?

People actually acting like Sansa is right to not be trustful after Dany came north to save her and her people.

I’d be pissed if I were Dany. Ungrateful asses.
The writers are pushing the "Mad Queen" angle. But I agree with you. Dany will continue to have to prove herself a worthy ruler of Westeros in the eyes of the if she hasn't already. She's constantly having to lose more...and more...and more....even though the North won't truly accept her unless she deleniates control of The North to a stark, and let's them be their own independent nation. Sounds like a reasonable requests from the perspective of the Northsmen, but problem is other kingdoms of westeros will want to secede also. Chaos ensues.

Thing is, Dany has been pulled in every which way by her advisors for the good of each specific house(Lannister, Stark, Mormont) on her advisory board.

Tyrion loves his family still, he ask Dany to give them pardon. She does, and Cersei gets stronger and Jamie(who they should've taken hostage) rides back South to aid his sister. Lannisters get breathing room due to Dany's diplomacy.

Jon Snow ask Dany to be more understanding of where the North is coming from in regards to their weariness of her. She acquaiseces has a heart to heart with Sansa, and fights for the North. Loses almost all the Dothraki in the process and almost all of the unsullied. And even before the battle, loses a dragon on that suicide mission headed by Jon Snow. Dany will ultimately get the blame, while they all praise Jon, and Dany is seen as an incompetent Mad Queen.

Everyone anti-dany at this point might as well be saying thanks for the help Mad Queen, now F off!!


That seems to be the angle everyone is going with. Especially Varys. He's all about protecting the realm and going against Dany to do so, as if "The Realm" hasn't been crap under his watch. They "Mad Queening" the hell out of Dany, as if Westeros wasn't already a craphole ruled by a mad queen. At this point, let Dany fly back East and let Cersei have Westeros. The damage has been done. Even if Dany cedes control of the North back to The Starks, everyone will know Jon has a rightful claim to the throne and folks will go to war to get Jon on the throne, even though he doesn't want the throne. There's absolutely nothing Dany can do at this point to not be viewed as "Crazy Dragon Lady" short of sacrificing her life for the realm. There's a pattern here if you peep it.

If plan goes right:

Hurray Starks!!! King of the North!!! Go Jon!!! Arya the Night King Slayer!!!

If plan goes South:

She's such a mad queen!! She's too impulsive!! She doesn't listen. What a horrible plan!!


Even if she were to deleniate power to the Starks in the North, I bet they'd still want Dany around to take down Cersei as some sort of Captain Marvel "In case of emergency" button.

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May 7, 2012
The travelling was one of the best parts of the story in earlier seasons - was the biggest danger cause so much madness was happening on route from A to B.

I used to think before that the writers wanted to wrap this shyt up because they wanted to do other things. Still think this is a factor but I also think they knew in their heart of hearts that they didn’t have GRRM’s imagination to flesh out the writing for the things such as the travel scenes to keep the series interesting. Look at all the fukkery that happened on the roads in the earlier seasons - Tyrion kidnapped by Cat and taken to the Vale, Arya meeting Jaqen Hagar and then getting into it with Amory Lorch, beyond the wall fukkery with Jon and the wildlings, Jamie getting his hand chopped off by the Mummers....the travel fukkery was a character in its self. This was all GRRM plot lines though.

This jet pack shyt is so short sighted though - how can you be in open war but are able to get to your enemies turf from A to B with no drama? It’s like the whole of Westeros is in either Kings Landing or Winterfell :beli:

We just saw a sneak attack as Dany's contingent was headed to Dragonstone. :gucci:

Of course Cersei ain't send forces all the way up north to catch them. No need to show them traveling through those lands.