She brought her army and dragons to save them from the night king.
It doesn’t matter what Sansa thinks. She’s ungrateful. Jon is the only one who seems to appreciate her sacrifice.
Why shouldn’t Dany expect them to bend the knee when she came north to save them? That’s the least she deserves for what she did.
I don’t recall any previous leaders doing what Dany did. Sansa should be smacked. All she knows how to do is talk. I’m not understanding why people think she’s so valuable.
It’s bad writing on several fronts, that works against both Sansa and Daenerys.
Jon tells Sansa that she should trust Dany, but doesn’t fully explain why aka how she went beyond the wall to save them and losing Viseryion in the process. Explain how the dragons are her children and how significant that is for her.
Jon not fully explaining stuff makes him look dumb and as we learnt Sansa knowing that he’s in love with her is also a bigger problem than I thought it would be. I agree with you that Dany’s sacrifices are being downplayed tremendously and I think if she had taken the realm by force when she first landed and got rid of Cersei who’s arc has run its course would’ve made the pacing for last season and this season much better. Less to focus on.
Sansa not trusting Jon and revealing his lineage even though she knows he probably wouldn’t want the Throne raises a lot of questions also. If you include all the other times she’s undermined Jon idk what D&D’s end game is with her.
She lets Yara and Theon be independent when they meet her in Essos but her reluctance to grant the same to the North is dumbfounding. They could solve this by way of marriage but the show thinks that’s icky lmao. Just compare her this season to the end of s6 right before she sets of for Westeros..idk what D&D are doing here unless they’re obviously setting her up for a specific end game.
I concede that what’s happened has happened with this show, it’s too late. I’m disappointed but I’ve made peace with that. But man I thought the writers would be considering shyt they wrote themselves into these seasons. Disturbingly the way this season is playing out you’d think it’s different people at the helm.