OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


Sep 28, 2012
She didnt save Sansa and her people.. Jon Snow saved Dany if anything because if he doesnt warn her about the coming threat, the night king and his army, then her claim to the throne would be shorter than leprechauns cause she'd be dead not long after

Also I think Sansa character thinks Dany is full of shyt and allied with the North to further her goal of taking the throne, and that she doesnt have the North best interest in heart

and the way its been written this season, Sansa isnt completely wrong in thinking that.. Dany is still on some "bend the knee" type shyt even though shes fukking her brother.. Sansa also plays the politic game better and longer than Dany so shes probably feeling like shes seen this movie before with previous leaders and knows how the story always turns out.

Long story short, she thinks Dany is insincere
Jon warned Dany about white walkers but theres no way the night king would have got past the wall if these idiots didn't make her lose a dragon. It's like cool, there's white walkers but there's no way for them to reach us so why worry.


Apr 30, 2012
Not just anyone can send a raven so that horrible theory is out... and it would take weeks on horse back fukking idiot and they just got done burning the bodies this episode from the battle the night before :ufdup:

You are everything wrong with GoT current stan base :ufdup: just apologize for shyt writing all day :ufdup:

PLUS if you READ THE THREAD you would see my EARLIER post said they probably have a snitch in the council to tell Cersei this info OR its bad writing

You think Euron having info of Dany and her 2 dragons traveling over open ocean and their path is "little details" :dahell: this is why the show writing fell of the cliff because they got stans and apologists around at all times

Get D&D dikk out your mouth :hhh:

Sending a raven out is some super power? Wtf is this bullshyt? I can't believe yall got me defending the show this season but some of these comments are dumb as fukk. It legit takes away legit criticisms of the show when you see people talking about dumb shyt like this and the stuff with ghost.

Yall should be mad about cersei not killing that little envoy and for some reason adhering to war etiquette...but no idiots would rather complain about not getting a scene of Qyburn getting a raven letting them no the war in the North is over? Or why Jon didn't pet a fukking dog that they never gave a shyt about on the show since season 1? Really?
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Aug 14, 2015
And so the rush continues :francis:
But fukk it im on the train now lets do it

The things I will just ignore which I imagine are a result of budgeting:

Dire wolf getting no love, animating any interaction with Jon wasnt happening :lolbron:

Dany approaching Cercei with like 4 brehs :mjlol: In what world would Cercei let that bytch walk are all our fukking weapons aimed dead at yall AND a stationary dragon.... nah there was meant to be way more unsullied on screen.

Now now onto Dany... Dany Dany Dany :mjgrin: This bytch is unravelling faster than 6ix9ine in court.

WHY the fukk was she flying so care free like that, she aint know thats the ops? :gucci:

Her arrogance is incredible you just lost a whole dragon in 5 seconds and they PEPPERED that boy :scust:

I get that they have to weaken their forces for this fight to even make sense but this is :why:

And her ego is so fragile, why aint nikkas gon rep for Jon in his home town.. you a stranger bytch :heh: As long as Jon fukkin with you, who cares

Euron didnt flinch when Tyrion mentioned the baby? He shoulda been

Man if I was there Im gonna go chill wherever Bron is at, we just defeated the personification of death .. can I get a week off? :why: I dont care about none this other shyt :why:

Also RIP Missandei... my dumbass really though somethin was finna happen when she said Dracarys :lupe: quickly turned to :to:


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
These Stark dudes really need to cut out all the honesty shyt. Its getting them all killed.

Cersei should have just wiped out Dany and her "army" right then and there. She had no backup and they could have destroyed that dragon easily.
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Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
She brought her army and dragons to save them from the night king.

It doesn’t matter what Sansa thinks. She’s ungrateful. Jon is the only one who seems to appreciate her sacrifice.

Why shouldn’t Dany expect them to bend the knee when she came north to save them? That’s the least she deserves for what she did.

I don’t recall any previous leaders doing what Dany did. Sansa should be smacked. All she knows how to do is talk. I’m not understanding why people
think she’s so valuable.

Eh. Other leaders have done this type of thing before, namely Tormund joining Jon Snow in recruiting the wildlings, to recapture Winter fell for example.

Sansa used to be annoying, but she's cool now. She's a graduate from Little Finger University. Based on her time in Kings Landing and adventures with baelish I would say Sansa's political experience and ability to read people >>>> Daenarys. She has had no WMD to threaten people with.

Daenarys can be summed up as, Do as I say or I burn you with dragon fire. She's volatile and reacts badly to being questioned. This has been her modus operandi from day one. Daenarys is literally almost incapable of compromise. Sansa is likely aware of this, she is 110% right to be wary of her.

You do realize Daenarys owns the equivalent of a nuke in this world? There is no mutually assured destruction here because she is the sole carrier of these WMD.

So in summary:
Sansa's past experience with those with power

+Daenarys owning weapons of mass destruction, the most powerful ones in their world.

+Daenarys' volatile nature, unflinching belief in her right to rule unquestioned, and "my way or the highway" approach to politics. Jon tells her "we can all find a way to live together", Daenarys replies " I just told you how".

+In Sansa's eyes, Daenarys has her claws in her brother Jon.

Bonus: Daenarys is paranoid about losing her claim because Jon does have the better claim. She's willing to destroy Kings Landing and kill 100 000's of innocents to do it. Sansa is being justified by each action Daenarys takes.

Sansa is 1000% right to be wary of her.


Aug 18, 2014
So much for putting differences aside, the side step the white walkers only to get back to the game of thrones. The night for celebrations and that cockless bald b*stard already scheming, and Tyrion has been moving like an idiot. Also Danny needs to remembers her day ones because bytch nikkas ain’t loyal. That fool Tyrion has already betrayed her by telling that hoe Varys about Jon’s lineage. She needs to wreck havoc with the last remaining dragon as her resources she spent time getting is fast depleting and people are scheming against her left right and centre.
May 7, 2012
What is with all the Bran hate lol? It seems to be very strong on this board, it's amazing! Had to jump in for a hot second because Bran is my favorite character in the series, with his seemingly crazy ass.

Bran has evolved into this demi-god of sorts...what is it that people are expecting him to do, exactly? I'm genuinely asking because I'm curious.

I mean, a general understanding would be that gods have power and don't just jump to directly intervene in the affairs of men when they are asked. It is more likely gods influence the actions of man so that man, in turn, can influences others.

As an example of what I mean (hopefully it's clear), just imagine praying to Jesus or Allah or your deity for something. In doing so, do you expect an actual god to show up to answer your supplication? Or is it more realistic that you receive your answers/help through others or even your own introspection?

The gist is that a god influences but not necessarily intervenes. That's how I see Bran. Just because he has the power to do all this stuff doesn't mean he is supposed to be.

Personality wise, if he's being judged against the other characters who, honestly, are all more passionate and charismatic (due to their pursuits of their own personal aspirations), then, yes, I can see how he comes off as boring.

I find this character most fascinating, though, and the actor playing him does a good job, IMO, of really owning that detached, otherworldly vibe a being like T3ER is supposed to exude.

Anyhow, T3ER/Bran is literally like a god living amongst men at this point...which is to say he's evolved past a lot of the pettiness and folly that is human behavior.

He is not 100% human anymore and it seems those who watch him are frustrated at his seeming disinterest in getting involved but keep forgetting this. But his purpose is literally to observe and record history.

He could be a puppet master of sorts and the thing is, it is easy to take the position he should step in to help specific characters succeed (or fail, depending on the situation). But that still reflects a human, attached way of thinking and this is a being responsible for the world of Westeros, not just the happenings in Winterfell, KL, the North or whatever the characters we are personally vested in are located.

That requires a being that is able to be calm, still and quiet, someone who sees how everything in time works together and understands any move he might make can have consequences down the line. In the show now, it seems his moves are very purposeful, he only speaks when it is necessary or (for the show) to foreshadow something. Otherwise, he is a bird who's perched and peering.

OAN, in that same vein, I think in tonight's episode, he ended up foreshadowing his fate with that line he said at the feast, but we'll see.

This interpretation of Bran makes it so much worse. I don't have a problem with how Bran's acting, my issue is with how those around him are acting. If Bran's a god, why wouldn't they be consulting him about every major decision? They don't treat him like a god, they treat him like a weirdo they have to tolerate due to his fancy name.