Episode was great and trash all in one. Great to see the politics and treachery back at play, seeing Varys return to form, but maaaan. I get wanting to move on to new projects, but these two half assed seasons they gave us were not a good look.
Winterfell was fukking destroyed, now it’s banquets and orgies?
Jon not saying any sort of goodbye to ghost..,that’s not how he would’ve played it
Sending wounded people right into battle
Splitting your broken, wounded army on top of that
Still no armor on the dragons..,except the plot armor that had drogon fly head first into a dozen scorpion arrows and live
Maybe because she’s been so underused for awhile, but they built up zero tension for missandei’s capture and death. Those of you mourning her are doing it because she was bad, not because you cared about that death
I made peace with them doing 13 episodes for the final two seasons, but I’ll never understand that choice, straight fukkboi shyt