
Beginning and end
The fan reaction this season has been much more negative than in previous seasons. Were you surprised by some of the vitriol?
Honestly, I’m not surprised. People always have an idea in their heads of how they want a show to finish, and so when it doesn’t go to their liking, they start to speak up about it and rebel.
The thing about “Game of Thrones” that’s always been amazing is the fact that there’s always been crazy twists and turns, right from Season 1 with Ned’s beheading. So Daenerys becoming something of the Mad Queen — it shouldn’t be such a negative thing for fans. It’s a shock for sure, but I think it’s just because it hasn’t gone their way.
All of these petitions and things like that — I think it’s disrespectful to the crew, and the writers, and the filmmakers who have worked tirelessly over 10 years, and for 11 months shooting the last season. Like 50-something night shoots. So many people worked so, so hard on it, and for people to just rubbish it because it’s not what they want to see is just disrespectful.
The issue I have with that is that Cersei didn't give a fukk about those people. So Dany fukking up King's Landing didn't effect Cersei at all because she only cared about herself surviving. We've seen Cersei blow up King's Landing her damn self in order to retain power.Probably because she didn't really go "mad" and still had loyalties to these people. It was fairly clear she felt justified and no remorse about what she did - she didn't see the people of King's Landing as innocents, but human shields that Cersei put up to protect herself. In her mind, they were collateral damage. Her people are her people and she wanted them to see things as she did. They wrote her blacking the way she did as very much a shade of grey for her character, where you fully understand WHY she snapped, but also understand WHY she needed to be put down. I think it made perfect sense why that played out as it did - the threat is gone, Danerys can walk about freely - but Tyrion is her prisoner now, so we need to make sure it stays that way.
Of the things that went wrong this episode, that wasn't it for me, honestly.
this how you do a final episode of a season
Listen to the background music
you knew some shyt was going down
the only dope music this season was the night king belly moment![]()
episode was perfection from start to finish![]()
We get no exposition on how Jon feels finding out he's not a b*stard. Finding out that his dad was Rhagar. He's basically turned into a maleable puppet who they don't even consider to sit the iron throne, even though it's his right. We're to just rely and lean on the plotpoint of Jon never wanted to rule to make sense of them banishing him North of Wall for being a "Queen Slayer" while the rest of the starks sit in comfy positions. All these houses from other Kingdoms and Grey Worm get to have a say in Jon's fate, and we're just made to accept it, because his character isn't fleshed out and we don't know what his ultimate goal was. We just accept and say "Yeah, Jon never wanted to rule, he just wanted to be amongst the free folk with his dog". Could've gotten to the same conclusion with a more nuanced thoughtout story. Didn't even give him a chance to abdicate the throne..they just basically called him a QueenSlayer and sent him on his way, even though it was Tyrion who talked him into it, and yet Tyrion becomes the hand of the king. It's the whole Lyanna+Rhaegar=Jon storyine was used as a plot device to drive Dany into madness and that was it. How is this a good thing?
He never wanted to rule tho. Makes sense to me.I wasnt a Jon Snow fan throughout the series but they did him dirty this season.. assassinated his character arc episode after episode
dude from went being a natural born leader people followed every word to being a lost puppy behind some p*ssythat he wasnt even hitting anymore