OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
I dont think they look at it as a suicide mission. Arya just found out about Jon and she rather be a wanderer and live as a Faceless person than live in Winterfell, is what I took from that. Basically creating a new Brotherhood.

I never got that from the show. I got that they left Winterfell for a mission, to kill The Mountain and Cersei and move on with life. Once they saw Kings Landing crumbling, The Hound realizes that in this scenario everyone dies and he doesnt want Arya to die so he tells her she can move forward, with a suicide mission, or the goal she has (to kill cersei) is accomplished already from the dragon or will be soon anyway so no point in her dying. Thats why he wants her to be better than him, because hes so far gone with revenge for his brother that, keep in mind at this point, they dont even know if Cersei or The Mountain are even alive at this point, but he has so much hate in his heart he needs to see with his own eyes even if it kills him.

Her actually seeing Cersei physically dead isnt worth her dying.. and if you notice when she leaves this part, she doesnt leave the city immediately, she goes into helping people (or trying to at least) because thats her actual arc and end game.

The list is her motive.
Being rationale and calculated in her moves is her character.

Notice in almost every dialogue she has this season, even with the Warden of The North and her big brother, shes more direct and calm and tries to bring rationale to him even though hes the older and supposed to be responsible person in the show, but shes basically sonning him with words in the few scenes together

they still show her having compassion though, shes not heartless or far gone. Shes calculated in her revenge. This wouldn't be a good calculation.

because she doesnt want to be a queen, the happiest they show Arya in the show is oddly on random adventures with The Hound helping or killing random people. She rather be Robin Hood then royalty

She was also almost in tears from being scared just moments she said this.. she still has emotion
Her whole purpose in going to the House of the Undying and joining the Faceless Men was to cross those names off her list, though. Arya's demeanor, even after reuniting with her family, has been one of someone resigned to an end. That doesn't mean she wants to die, but she doesn't seem like she has motivations beyond killing the people on her list. That's also why I found it weird how much she was anti-Dany. I get it with Sansa, I guess, but Arya doesn't give a fukk about the politics or the whole Northern independence shyt. She's just tryna kill nikkas:mjlit: So back to wandering as a Faceless person...she left the House of the Undying reclaiming her identity as Arya of House Stark. Wouldn't her leaving her family and wandering as a faceless person be contradictory to that?


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
she left the House of the Undying reclaiming her identity as Arya of House Stark. Wouldn't her leaving her family and wandering as a faceless person be contradictory to that?
Remember that before finding out about Jon heritage she was down for Winterfell and Stark family name more than anyone.. constantly telling Jon dont forget your family :ufdup: you're a stark :ufdup: Dany just an outside bytch :ufdup:

Which is why them not showing Arya and Sansa reaction to this big news (arguably the biggest news in the entire series..) is a crime against D&D because I believe this would of tied some of these thoughts up for some people instead of leaving it up in the air for conversation like this

Her whole purpose in going to the House of the Undying and joining the Faceless Men was to cross those names off her list, though.

but she hasnt killed 100% of the people on her list, it wasnt do or die for her, just a main motive for her. Beric was also on the list at one point as was others that died from other people as well. While she wants to do it her self, it doesnt show her having anger towards not being the one to actually kill someone from the list but satisfied that they are just dead either way :manny:
That's also why I found it weird how much she was anti-Dany. I get it with Sansa, I guess, but Arya doesn't give a fukk about the politics or the whole Northern independence shyt.

She was anti Dany because of the reason I stated above, she was all for the Stark family name and The North and can see or sense the fakeness in Dany reasons for defending the North

She already hates Dany and now she finds out her big brother is Targ Set :mjlol: she just on some fukk it shyt im out :manny: doesnt mean it was a suicide mission.. she can be a killer and not wanting to die at same time (as they show her trying her best to survive at all costs in 2 episodes this season)

honestly we wouldnt even be having this conversation if D&D didnt fukk this up writing wise and just spent a 5 minute scene showing their reaction to Jon heritage :mjlol:

you notice we aint even see Sansa in this last episode :mjlol: them Stark girls was upset at this info obviously by their last 2 actions in Winterfell.. but it would of tied things together showing it better

My guess is she out there dropping dimes throughout the North and other houses as we speak :mjlol: but until we see the last episode I can only guess that I guess :snoop:


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
I thought Sam telling Jon about his parents was a great scene. If they had 10-12 episodes it would have been a brilliant starting point for Jon/Dany dissension since Sam’s line about her not giving up her crown to save her people is poignant.

That, “She shouldn’t,” line was delivered so well. One of the few scenes I really liked this season.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons


These kids wouldn't have been able to make it back in the day. LOST would have these lil nikkas in suicide prevention. The level of triggeration when the screen went to black on The Sopranos finale (spoiler alert:comeon:) would be astronomical:gucci:


Jan 29, 2017
East London
When Sam mentioned he was a Tarley, Daenery's was like

"Not Randall Tarley?":gucci:

"You know him" :dwillhuh:

Jorah: :upsetfavre:

Dany: I smoked him along with your brother :demonic:

Sam: :mjcry:

Onto episode 2, time to see if I'll be pissed off as I continue like the others :pachaha:

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
These kids wouldn't have been able to make it back in the day. LOST would have these lil nikkas in suicide prevention. The level of triggeration when the screen went to black on The Sopranos finale (spoiler alert:comeon:) would be astronomical:gucci:

I was talking about how the modern youngings couldn't take The Sopranos with a friend of mine like 2 hours ago.

This nicca Tony killed Christopher at the START of a mid-season episode then proceeded to fake cry and ball in Vegas for the rest of it :wow:

They'd have to put David Chase in protective custody for what he did in the final episodes:russ:

If only GOT went out as piff as Sopranos did :mjcry:


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
GRRM should be getting some of the blame imo.

It is very much is his fault as much as Benioff's and Weiss'. He sold the rights to the series and promised to finish Winds of Winter and at the very least provide them with a draft or a work-in-progress of Dream of Spring. He hasn't even finished Winds of Winter! The show was never supposed to outpace the books. I even started reading them with the promise in mind that before the show is done I will have read the books. But nope.

Martin had time to edit other people's book. He had time to write the prequel book. He's been working on a lot of side projects and not writing.

He could have also stayed as a writer for HBO and help those two mumbling morons finish the series when he apparently doesn't want to do himself. But he didn't.

It has been 8 years since the last book, that was also when the show started airing. He has had plenty of time.

If GRRM would’ve lived up to his end of the bargain and finished the books. The people that signed up to adapt the books to show format could’ve stick to adapting the show to show format. It’d be like expecting an construction contractor to design a building after the architects only designed half the building... but the customer still needs that building built. They end up being shytty architects because that’s not what they were hired for and was not in the scope of the job.

this is incorrect

GRRM only subverts expectations when establishing the laws of his story, not when executing them. In his Westeros, the most logical thing happens. When one fighting force is significantly outnumbered by another, they are routed and butchered. When an honourable man stands with his principles against a nest of conniving political serpents, he is denounced and executed. When two men of tremendous violence set their blades against each other, it is skill, brutality and sometimes terrible luck that determine the victor, not poetic justice or narrative expedience. It's not a cynical universe so much as it is an arithmetical one: what happens is what ought to happen, given the rules as established. Martin's Westeros suprises because we are continually applying the wrong logic to it, and that error is endlessly and painfully thrown back in our faces. By the time the Mountain crushed Oberyn's skull between his hands, we already knew he was the sort of man who would do such a thing, and was strong enough that he could do such a thing. GRRM simply gave us the world where Gregor did what he could and would do. D&D have not merely failed to understand Westeros' logic; they have inverted it. Now a thing will happen precisely because the audience have mastered the world's metaphysics, and the authors, lacking the wit to craft compelling stories according to its constraints, would rather spurn its laws than fail in attempting to honour them.


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
On his way to Kings Landing, Arya strides up next to Sandor on her horse. Hound says "I don't plan on coming back". Arya replies neither do I. We assume they ride together from Winterfell to the capital together keeping that same energy. Both of them are aware they're on a suicide mission. Yet, when the suicide part of it starts showing itself, Clegane suddenly wants Arya to dip and Arya is convinced in a matter of seconds. If you had to sum up Arya's character development in a couple sentences, what would It be? It's not tough; it's not like the character was made to be anything besides vengeful and violent for six seasons. We're made to believe reclaiming who she is represents a change of the whole "A girl is no one" theme, yet she kills the Night King and seemingly chucks the dueces to her family, a possible future with Gendry, and possibly life in general. Both the Hound and Arya seem ok with this the hundreds of miles between Winterfell and Kings Landing. They both seem fine with it walking into a city in the midst of battle. Yet some falling rocks is enough to change that determination. I get it with Clegane. He's always been that father figure who hated being a father figure. I don't get it from the most single minded person on the show who literally looked death in the face and said "Not today":yeshrug:

not only that but also POISONED an entire feast hall and killed two dudes and baked them in a meal for their father ..

how in the fck is someone like that put off in a 5 second speech from a guy that was basically a murdering strong arm leg breaker his whole life that carried a grudge against his brother for burning him as a child???