Now this changes my outlook on the NFL.
Non-Blacks don't capitalize the letter B when referring to fellow Black people.No one black uses the term race card
Sorry… You don’t make a post saying football is irrelevant only to say minutes later why it is relevant. It’s tactless. That’s the problem. had he posted that part today, I wouldn’t have a problem nor would anyone else. But he didn’t. And he has that track record of being a narcissist who doesn’t care. He showed revealed his true self in dudes are in here give him a pass as expected.I just looked again, he made 2 posts prior to that one. It was a 3 part post, with the 3rd being the one that caught fire.
Ultimately, he said he was praying for Hamlin and his family(1st post) , that this situation is different from other bad injuries(2nd post) , and that the regular season outcome (and replaying the game) suddenly seems so irrelevant. (3rd post)
I'm not defending him at all bc it's freakin Skip Bayless. I'm just curious if ppl actually read the other 2 parts.
I think not bc 1st post had 900+ comments, 2nd post had 3,500 comments.....3rd post over 100,000 comments
I'm not here to argue, stuff doesn't travel well over text, but the other 2 posts setup the context properly in my mind.
Goal post moving70% of NFL players are Black and they play in a league that's notorious for the lack of guaranteed contracts. Who else would make up the majority of players the league moves on from? Samoans?This is basic math. Why didn't you stop watching when they blackballed Kaep? Your phony, baloney outrage is transparent breh. It would be much more respectable to just admit you're for whatever gets dude kicked off TV at this point.
Non-Blacks don't capitalize the letter B when referring to fellow Black people.
How does this have ANYTHING to do with what happened last night? If your point is to display that a bunch of racist cacs own NFL teams, I don't dispute that at all.
Dunno why Shannon does this show anymore. Formula been stale and his own podcast has actually started to hit a good stride. I understand after he got let go by CBS he probably needed Skip, but he's definitely big enough in his own right now to do his own thing and stop subjecting himself to this.
Partly mob mentality.
Skip made posts before that one, but nobody looked at those.
I think it was just poor timing
There's no way I can see either Shannon or Skip working with Carton, especially Skip. He would view it as beneath him.
U bring up police brutality in a thread that has nothing to do with it. I ask why do u continue to watch the NFL since Kaep has been blackballed yet I'm moving goalpostsGoal post moving
You've added nothing to this discourse whatsoever. Added some Jewish organization post supporting NFL players for a completely unrelated topic. Yet nothing about the Jewish community's documented history of predatory practices in Black communities throughout this country over the span of decades. And I'm bootlicking?Skip is a racist cracka that deflected for Jerry Jones I don't have to give you a logical retort.
Stop bootlicking these crackas.
You asked a question about not liking skip. I don’t like anyone who overlooks the use of a dying black body just to get to their real point. I responded to what you asked, dummy.U bring up police brutality in a thread that has nothing to do with it. I ask why do u continue to watch the NFL since Kaep has been blackballed yet I'm moving goalposts
You've added nothing to this discourse whatsoever. Added some Jewish organization post supporting NFL players for a completely unrelated topic. Yet nothing about the Jewish community's documented history of predatory practices in Black communities throughout this country over the span of decades. And I'm bootlicking?Mazel tov breh! nikkas are certified bozos on this board. Y'all enjoy the rest of the day fellas.