This is wrong.
They ignored polling numbers that showed certain policies were popular when they don't want to support them like they always do. If they do adjust they then pretend that it was a Republican idea or just re-frame the argument. They were in utter belief that they could lose, but any knowledgeable Republican analyst knows that certain policies are popular by the general populace. I'm half asleep so forgive me not going and getting the sources for you and providing you the names.
But the majority of Americans, and a vast majority at that, believe that CEOs are paid to much. A vast majority of Americans believe that most workers are not paid enough in comparison to their higher ups. A vast majority of Americans believe that college tuition costs to much and I can go on and on. For each of those categories the numbers are greater among Democrats than Republicans but they are still either supported by majorities or near majorities of Republicans. In other words, Republicans have ignored the desires of the American working class for over a decade and either pointed their attention elsewhere or misrepresented the position of their opponents.
Here's a kicker, polls even show that the majority of Americans want the GOVERNMENT to fix the problem.
Whether they are swayed by a conservative bubble or not is not the point. Romney said that he did not think 47% of the country would vote for him. He just misjudged the numbers. Obama gained a lower percentage of the electorate and popular vote than he did last time. But a large number of would-be conservatives just stayed home. Those white voters that did vote, that Republican base, voted for their party in higher percentages than they did last time.
Do not make the mistake of reading too much from this election like Republicans did when Bush won a second term.
No, I didn't. Anyone who said that wasn't thinking. Going over the cliff wasn't going to make the House Republicans anymore likely to cave on various issues. I knew that from the jump. Why are talking like this is Newt Gingrich getting styled on by Bill Clinton.
First off, stop referencing the debt ceiling. You keep calling this the debt ceiling and this is the fiscal cliff debate. The debt ceiling drama will come in February and THAT will determine whether or not the Democrats won.
My dude, what in the world are you talking about? OF COURSE YOU CAN PLAN TO WIN AN ELECTION. This is what we call contingency plans. Do you understand how many deals are made behind closed doors and in those halls contingent on someone winning or a party winning? Agendas have been punted towards presumptive second terms all throughout political history. Of course the public made it possible in the literal sense. If :obamaword: doesn't win then it's all a wrap.
No one said, one man is responsible. But you're making a closing argument that applies to any bill's passage. The rest of your argument is full of a false sense of the state of affairs. All those scenarios you just listed were present when Obama first became president sans Bill Clinton. I really think that you somehow have been led to believe that there has been this big sway in public opinion on the issue. That is wrong.
The same percentages of people supported the raising of taxes on the wealthy during the 2011 debt ceiling debate. And they didn't give a damn about fukking over the country then.
So yes, this passed precisely because
:obamaword: Oh and shout out to @LegendNas dapping up everything.