Dan is known to hype action fights far more. He never seems to give boxers their full due. I don't like that. I consider myself a fan of all styles (except Porter or Devon

) and like watching an overall variety.
Overall I think the media push wasn't just about the fights themselves as well as the fighters. I wouldn't doubt a lot of writers are tired of Floyd. He talks like he will be exciting or go for a KO, but you always get a 12 round easy decision. Add in that the casuals never seem to appreciate what Mayweather does. They probably feel bored of it always being the same.
GGG is something different. I don't doubt that writers get more excited to cover GGG because his fights are full of exciting action and the casuals are on board with his style. Makes the media's job easier. Add in that GGG and his team are easy to deal with and Floyd is notoriously difficult.
That is just one persons opinion here. I don't worry about it much because I just love seeing GGG get that media push and now the casuals are jumping on board getting us even more coverage.
#GGGoodBoys is a great club to be a part of.