Official Elder Scrolls Online Thread (new Skyrim MMO)

Jan 26, 2014
I used to smoke one and play skyrim for hours occasionally getting frustrated by random deaths (mountains back to back to back dragons) now I have to worry bout that and online asshats; many highs will be blown


Lin Kuei
May 1, 2012
We not allowed to talk about this piff on here are we? Regardless :whew:

I really don't think there will be repercussions of any sort for discussing it on here.

I got in on this beta, and my interest in the game varied at times. I only got to level 9 so I didn't get to see what PVP was like. I just started to explore the higher-level areas once I got to Daggerfall.

I'll say that the combat is better than most MMO's. You actually click to swing your sword and then have hotkeys for special attacks -- that will keep the combat more interesting. Not as dynamic as Skyrim, but you don't have any time to pause the game and make changes in a multiplayer game, obviously. I thought combat was too easy until I fought a boss that whooped my ass when I was just trying to hack-and-slash him. Came back like Jordan and gave him the business.

Crafting is similar to Skyrim and similarly effective. However, I hardly found any loot or quest rewards that were more powerful than items I already crafted. Maybe the loot and quest rewards get better at a faster rate than craftable items -- I don't know. The crafting is definitely a positive, though. In addition, you can learn different traits, and using different resources or crafting at higher levels results in a visibly different item. Collecting resources can get tedious, but it can be fun to just go exploring and getting what you need along the way.

Quests weren't your typical "go kill/collect x amount of y", and there is voice acting for all NPC's, so questing shouldn't get tedious too fast. There were a LOT of bugs, however. I couldn't finish some quests without logging out first, and there were 3 or 4 that I couldn't finish at all. Hopefully they knew that going into the beta and are on top of it. Doing quests with a group will result in each member of the group being guided/interacting with a different copy of the same NPC, which kind of ruins the feeling of being in a group altogether. Many users complained about it, but I doubt it's something they fix before release or at all.

There was also an annoying bug where after speaking to a vendor, crafting, or doing anything that brought up a UI, the UI would disappear but you wouldn't go back to playing -- you'd be stuck looking at the vendor or the crafting table and have to type /reloadui into the chat. Wasn't too troublesome but got annoying after a while.

I'll say more when it comes to mind.


Jun 14, 2012
I really don't think there will be repercussions of any sort for discussing it on here.

I got in on this beta, and my interest in the game varied at times. I only got to level 9 so I didn't get to see what PVP was like. I just started to explore the higher-level areas once I got to Daggerfall.

I'll say that the combat is better than most MMO's. You actually click to swing your sword and then have hotkeys for special attacks -- that will keep the combat more interesting. Not as dynamic as Skyrim, but you don't have any time to pause the game and make changes in a multiplayer game, obviously. I thought combat was too easy until I fought a boss that whooped my ass when I was just trying to hack-and-slash him. Came back like Jordan and gave him the business.

Crafting is similar to Skyrim and similarly effective. However, I hardly found any loot or quest rewards that were more powerful than items I already crafted. Maybe the loot and quest rewards get better at a faster rate than craftable items -- I don't know. The crafting is definitely a positive, though. In addition, you can learn different traits, and using different resources or crafting at higher levels results in a visibly different item. Collecting resources can get tedious, but it can be fun to just go exploring and getting what you need along the way.

Quests weren't your typical "go kill/collect x amount of y", and there is voice acting for all NPC's, so questing shouldn't get tedious too fast. There were a LOT of bugs, however. I couldn't finish some quests without logging out first, and there were 3 or 4 that I couldn't finish at all. Hopefully they knew that going into the beta and are on top of it. Doing quests with a group will result in each member of the group being guided/interacting with a different copy of the same NPC, which kind of ruins the feeling of being in a group altogether. Many users complained about it, but I doubt it's something they fix before release or at all.

There was also an annoying bug where after speaking to a vendor, crafting, or doing anything that brought up a UI, the UI would disappear but you wouldn't go back to playing -- you'd be stuck looking at the vendor or the crafting table and have to type /reloadui into the chat. Wasn't too troublesome but got annoying after a while.

I'll say more when it comes to mind.
lol by the end of it, muhfukkas would just reply to any question with /reloadui. shyt was comedy


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
I really don't think there will be repercussions of any sort for discussing it on here.

I got in on this beta, and my interest in the game varied at times. I only got to level 9 so I didn't get to see what PVP was like. I just started to explore the higher-level areas once I got to Daggerfall.

I'll say that the combat is better than most MMO's. You actually click to swing your sword and then have hotkeys for special attacks -- that will keep the combat more interesting. Not as dynamic as Skyrim, but you don't have any time to pause the game and make changes in a multiplayer game, obviously. I thought combat was too easy until I fought a boss that whooped my ass when I was just trying to hack-and-slash him. Came back like Jordan and gave him the business.

Crafting is similar to Skyrim and similarly effective. However, I hardly found any loot or quest rewards that were more powerful than items I already crafted. Maybe the loot and quest rewards get better at a faster rate than craftable items -- I don't know. The crafting is definitely a positive, though. In addition, you can learn different traits, and using different resources or crafting at higher levels results in a visibly different item. Collecting resources can get tedious, but it can be fun to just go exploring and getting what you need along the way.

Quests weren't your typical "go kill/collect x amount of y", and there is voice acting for all NPC's, so questing shouldn't get tedious too fast. There were a LOT of bugs, however. I couldn't finish some quests without logging out first, and there were 3 or 4 that I couldn't finish at all. Hopefully they knew that going into the beta and are on top of it. Doing quests with a group will result in each member of the group being guided/interacting with a different copy of the same NPC, which kind of ruins the feeling of being in a group altogether. Many users complained about it, but I doubt it's something they fix before release or at all.

There was also an annoying bug where after speaking to a vendor, crafting, or doing anything that brought up a UI, the UI would disappear but you wouldn't go back to playing -- you'd be stuck looking at the vendor or the crafting table and have to type /reloadui into the chat. Wasn't too troublesome but got annoying after a while.

I'll say more when it comes to mind.

If youve played other MMO's then you would know crafting low level gear is usually pointless. shyt in most MMOs crafting items even in the later stages of the game is mostly pointless. Did you get a chance to run an instance? Combat was already fun for me, but even the early level instances were harder than most instances I ran in other MMOs at higher levels.

Yeah you are right about the questing, no idea what the media was talking about, they said every quest is "kill/collect x amount of y" :snoop: it was clear they didnt play much (and they admitted so)

you could actually change "instances" without relogging and that would help fix most of the bugs, but they need to be fixed before release.

I still think this will be my main game for the next few years and cant wait to nerd it out 5 days ahead of time (pre ordering)