Official E3 2018 Thread


May 9, 2014

damn 2019 could rival 2017.


6th Man
May 29, 2018
XCOM heads such as myself will feast on Gears Tactics. I love me a strategy game :wow:

Gears 5 will flop if they dont follow trends with it. One thing people forget is previous Gears games succeeded because they adapted the multiplayer and cashed in on the success of zombie/horde modes, tower defense, capture the flag, etc.

Those modes and games of that mode were the Battle Royales of today, so for Gears 5 to be successful it would have to incorporate a ridiculous amount of content in its modes and market them to stay afloat. People dont care about its campaign anymore

Gears Tactics looks so dope, glad they aren't trying to go the Halo Wars route.


May 2, 2012
Microsoft won this year I don't know how anyone can say they didnt.

The biggest thing they needed to do was get bigger and better at first party. 5 studios was the answer.

Now. We don't know if those will pay off or not but that doesn't change that it was a big announcement. Those studios need to pay off but we won't know that answer for at least 5 years
I wouldn't even say they won more so that they just showed people they are listening.

Sony kinda disappointed me just off the fact that psvr is all I cared about and hardly anything interesting got shown for it. But they showed extensive gameplay of 4 exclusive games currently in development.

Well, 3 if you dont wanna count metal gear FedEx or whatever the fukk that was.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I think fanboys have mental illnesses from Stanning, cuz nikkaz are delusional as fukk...
I don’t see how anyone can say they won. I feel the same way about Xbox now as I did going in

The devs they signed made Contast (& we happy few (compulsion games). If those the type of games they make I’m good:yeshrug:

Undead labs :mjlol:

Playground (show me something other than Forza)

Ninja Theory was solid

Them studios= That Cavs deadline trade:mjlol:

Other than that nothing to entice me to buy their console right now or even in the future

So I don’t see how they won anything
You owe me $100, so let me give you $100 worth of truth. You never played a state of decay, or a Forza Horizon. When did you play we happy few?

Ninja theory is solid right? Can you name the last ninja theory game You played without googling "ninja theory games" first? They showed too many and too much variety to talk this bullshyt like if you're not easily entertained. I don't have a ps4 because I don't have the time to game that much. My backlog is over 200 deep as it is because I actually have bc :umad: And I call out the Sony games that suck because it's a thing. Some are good. You guys, you say everything Xbox is trash and when you wanna fake have a real discussion you idiots name drop the same titles you hated on. The go to line is "all you have is halo and gears"

Gamepass alone would keep you busy for years, all the best that you missed and the best to come all on there. Right now $30 for 6 months :win:
Cant see how XBOX will be getting new buyers this year, literally nothing for someone new to opt for a XBOX over PS4

Halo, still

God of War
Beyond Human

Sony dudes eating well, gonna have to cop one as cant get them on PC
God of war is already out, and you probably already played it.

Beyond human is what you call things when you don't know the actual name which is become human. It's a story telling the adventures of captain spirit. Square/enix knew nobody would buy that shyt but what they didn't realize is if it was exclusive a$$holes all over the internet would act like it's beyond human :hula: see what I did there...

Spiderman - A game that apparently can't miss. Like if all of a sudden we care about superhero games like that? Batman had its run, so did spiderdweeb :rolleyes:

Tlou2 is still tbd aka is probably a ps5 title

Gamepass gives you What you missed, and will give you what you're fanboy goggles are blinding you from. Eat for real my nikka :blessed:
You see all them Sony titles not even close to release? I thought that wasn't a Sony thing :ohhh:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
one mo...
Didn't say the game was trash, but the sales keep diminishing.
Well sir, did you factor in the fact that gears 3 had a userbase of like 70million to buy the game. Xbox one is closer to half of that install base so try to act like you graduated from a place that was strong in economics :francis:

Then compare sales of the titles you Stan but don't play and you'll see your Sony numbers don't look so good :patrice: how many ps4's have been sold? This been a thing since last gen, and the fact you don't play them is all the proof we need. Cuz you can catch me on all them "worthy" Xbox exclusives and this gens versions of its AAA titles are better than ever.

Can you say that about uncharted? Killzone? Socom? Twisted metal? Seems like all of Sony's hits have turned to shyt. But hey, you got persona and Bloodborne to replace those..same shyts right? I'm about to hop on PUBG now, most fun game I've played since the possibly ghost recon online for the first time on the OG Xbox :whew:


Arnold Jackson
Sep 26, 2013
I think fanboys have mental illnesses from Stanning, cuz nikkaz are delusional as fukk...

You owe me $100, so let me give you $100 worth of truth. You never played a state of decay, or a Forza Horizon. When did you play we happy few?

Ninja theory is solid right? Can you name the last ninja theory game You played without googling "ninja theory games" first? They showed too many and too much variety to talk this bullshyt like if you're not easily entertained. I don't have a ps4 because I don't have the time to game that much. My backlog is over 200 deep as it is because I actually have bc :umad: And I call out the Sony games that suck because it's a thing. Some are good. You guys, you say everything Xbox is trash and when you wanna fake have a real discussion you idiots name drop the same titles you hated on. The go to line is "all you have is halo and gears"

Gamepass alone would keep you busy for years, all the best that you missed and the best to come all on there. Right now $30 for 6 months :win:

God of war is already out, and you probably already played it.

Beyond human is what you call things when you don't know the actual name which is become human. It's a story telling the adventures of captain spirit. Square/enix knew nobody would buy that shyt but what they didn't realize is if it was exclusive a$$holes all over the internet would act like it's beyond human :hula: see what I did there...

Spiderman - A game that apparently can't miss. Like if all of a sudden we care about superhero games like that? Batman had its run, so did spiderdweeb :rolleyes:

Tlou2 is still tbd aka is probably a ps5 title

Gamepass gives you What you missed, and will give you what you're fanboy goggles are blinding you from. Eat for real my nikka :blessed:

You see all them Sony titles not even close to release? I thought that wasn't a Sony thing :ohhh:

Those games listed I like and will play and reason im picking up a PS4, funny how you couldnt say any of those exclusives were bad or provide alterntaives on XBOX

Well like you have seen the hype and excitement for Spider-Man is there, with the MCU world we live in no suprise it will be popular. We need more IMO

Nothing current or upcoming to make me wanna get an XBOX again, I sold my XBOXONE as nothing good on it and I am PC guy - any excluisve Windows games ill get on PC.


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PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Those games listed I like and will play, only reason im picking up a PS4 - I'm PC guy
The narrative that you can play on PC and duplicate the console experience is false. So you play with console gamers on PC? What games allow that? Are those games popular? Here's an example, gears of war 4 is on PC, but pc gamers don't like gears of war just like how console gamers don't care for MMO's. So a gears or a Titanfall has no community, no buzz, and ultimately isn't as fun against mice and keyboards. If I'm incorrect with my assessment then please link me to any PC thread with that truth inside and I'll stand corrected. I'll even throw in 10000 coli cash for your troubles :handshake:

The fact you had to name a possible ps5 title tells me you with the shyts breh :francis:


Arnold Jackson
Sep 26, 2013
The narrative that you can play on PC and duplicate the console experience is false. So you play with console gamers on PC? What games allow that? Are those games popular? Here's an example, gears of war 4 is on PC, but pc gamers don't like gears of war just like how console gamers don't care for MMO's. So a gears or a Titanfall has no community, no buzz, and ultimately isn't as fun against mice and keyboards. If I'm incorrect with my assessment then please link me to any PC thread with that truth inside and I'll stand corrected. I'll even throw in 10000 coli cash for your troubles :handshake:

The fact you had to name a possible ps5 title tells me you with the shyts breh :francis:

What are you going on about ? Or what references are you referring to my post ? Im lost.

But I regularly used to play Fortnite with my boy who is on PS4, not jumped on in a while - but again no idea what your going on about, as what your talking about hasn't been brought up - especially in what you have quoted me.

Like I said im getting a PS4 for the mentioned games, any exclusive games for XBOX/Windows ill get on my PC - pretty simple to be honest.