Edit: if you have any shards or energy you can turn those into glimmer too

I can do this at the Speaker's spot right?
Edit: if you have any shards or energy you can turn those into glimmer too
Yeah is 250 per shard. I think you have to turn the energy into shards and that costs 50 glimmer per energy so it's 200 per energy that way too.
I can do this at the Speaker's spot right?
POE is a raid really..no matter what tho, always love PVP in this game.. ranked up iron banner again... and i already got liike 13 etheric lights, those things better have some use in the taken king...
everyone was lovin this expansion and saying how much better it was then dark below, but really any expansion without a raid just runs out mad quick
POE is a raid really..
funny hearing this months later when the game dropped that's all i used to body nikkas with i guess before all that new weirdo shyt came out in the last two DLC'sall these weapon is bushes status
Auto Rifles been nerfed to a bullet hose
The New Shotgun with range killing your Inventive
Icebreaker and Patience & time both low impact snipers you want high impact with aim assist like the queen's sniper.
Hand cannons and pulse rifles are the wave now with few good scouts out there
Ended up trying that DestinyLFG site for the first time for this.Anybody down for Trials?
I don't know people bytch about the thorn when TLW exists. I have never lost a gun fight to a torn user while using it. If anything, that's the most OP gun in the game.Had this epic ass clutch play where I literally dropped the other team 4 or 5 times while I was out numbered 3v1 and I go to save it and I didn't have any storage space to do so
TLW was dropping the Thorn users so quickly that they just kept pushing and falling one by one. It was beautiful