People bytch about it because they die to the burn, instead of the player actually having to finish them off. You can beat them 1 on 1 with other guns, it's just that they have the ability to run and hide if they 2 tap you and don't even have to hit the last kill shot on you to die.I don't know people bytch about the thorn when TLW exists. I have never lost a gun fight to a torn user while using it. If anything, that's the most OP gun in the game.
When they nerf the Thorn and TLW, I think the Hawkmoon will rise as the gun people go to. They're probably waiting til TKK to drop before shytting on those 2 hand cannons thus propping up the Hawkmoon which will be available for everybody. Wouldn't be surprised if Xur sells it first week just to throw the Xbox users a bone since they haven't had it all this time.