It's like Suros in Iron Banner. Don't think people complained about Suros like this though. Bungie just looked at IB stats and nerfed it not taking into the account that the only reason everybody that had it was using it was cuz of the auto rifle headshot bounty. It was the strongest and most accurate auto in the game and made that bounty light work compared to some of the others.
So instead of leaving the bounty and nerfing autos or the doing the opposite to see what would happen, they changed the bounty and nerfed autos at the same damn timeshyt was pointless
yea, they did cause it was the main gun majority were using in pvp at first....the flow of weapon complaints(not including shotties cause they always get complaints) went fusions(range and impact), then moved to suros (1st exotic a lot of people got at once), then moved to the vex...the vex took all the focus off other weapons cause of what it would do in the crucible...people complained at first cause it was hard to get, but after people started cheesing the shyt outa VoG, the complaints got quieter...