right now hawkmoon is by far the most used handcannon in pvp... and i would say it is the best just from playing against it...
i dont know what happened or why this wasnt a larger change right after the patch... maybe people just realized it now tho...
how do u get a hawkmoon?
I got it as a random drop 3 times. Twice for a Nightfall and once in Crucible.
Fully upgraded it is a monster. Has 3 random bullets in a mag of 13 that do OP damage. Handles great, fires quick and sounds like a hand cannon should sound!
There my be triggers that get it to drop in PVP, ie, 500 hand cannon kills or something like that, but I do not know what it is.
I guess I have just been lucky...or unlucky to get 3, depending on how you look at it.